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Indian ArmyFactsWhat is TGC Entry In Indian Army

What is TGC Entry In Indian Army

TGC entry also know as Technical Graduate Course Entry is a type of entry through which an engineering graduate(only male) can join the Indian Army as an officer. TGC entry is specific for engineering students who can apply for it from final year onward. Lets talk more about TGC entry for Indian Army.
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What is TGC Entry In Indian Army

Every year Indian army invites application for TGC entry for the course commences at Indian Military Academy. TGC stands for Technical Graduate Course and it is notified by Additional Directorate General Recruiting / AG Branch in May/June and Nov/Dec.

Who can apply for TGC entry

All male engineering students studying in final year or passed out, can apply for this entry if they fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned below.

TGC entry for Indian Army

Eligibility Criteria for TGC entry

Age: 20 and 27 years as of first day of month in which course is due to commence.
Qualification: BE / B Tech final appearing & degree holders in notified streams of Engineers.
Eligible Branch: As per latest notification TGC 129

  • Civil (including mining/ construction)
  • Electrical or  Electrical & Electronics
  • Mechanical
  • Automobile/Workshop Technology
  • Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace/Ballistics/Avionics
  • Food Tech/Bio Tech/Bio Medical Engg
  • Chemical Engg
  • Electronics & Telecom/Telecommunication/Electronics & Comn/Satellite Comm.
  • Metallurgy & Explosives/Metallurgical Engg
  • Industrial/Manufacturing Engg/Industrial Engg & Mgt/Production
  • Electronics/Opto Electronics/Fibre Optics/Micro Electronics & Microwave
  • Electronics & Instrumentation/Instrumentation
  • Architecture/ Building Constr Technology
  • Computer Sc & Engg/Computer Technology/Info Tech / M.Sc
  • Computer Sc

How to apply for TGC entry

  • Wait for the notification of TGC.
  • One must apply online for TGC entry through joinindianarmy.nic.in , more details here.
  • After submitting application online, print your online application form and send it along with other documents as mentioned in the notification.

Is there any Cut off for TGC entry

  • All eligible male engineering graduates can apply for TGC entry, later Indian army decides the cut off percentage and shortlist the candidates out of all applicants. So at the time of applying, there is no percentage criteria.

What is the Cut off  for TGC entry

  • As per the latest shortlisted list of TGC 117 and SSC-41 tech, cut off marks for TGC entry remains between 65% to 70%.

What is the selection procedure of TGC entry

  • Apply for TGC online
  • Army will declare the list of shortlisted candidates based on their degree percentage.
  • Get the call letter for Direct SSB Interview, if shortlisted.
  • Attended five days SSB Interview process.
  • Attend medical examination, if gets recommend.
  • Wait for the all India merit list of TGC.
  • Join Indian Military Academy, if Shortlisted and medically fit.

How TGC entry is different from other entries for Indian Army

  • TGC entry is introduced for Engineering graduates only, one who enters through this entry goes for some technical work in Indian Army.
  • Training period is one year unlike other entries which is one and half year.
  • Ante Date Seniority, One year ante date seniority from date of commission will be applicable only for Officers having Engineering Degree (BE/B.Tech) from a recognized institution/university.
  • So lots of benefits in going through this entry.

Alternatives for TGC entry

  • SSC tech entry is almost similar to TGC entry which is also a technical entry for Indian army. Through SSC tech entry you will join Officers Training Academy and this entry is for both male and female engineering graduates.
  • CDSE is another popular entry if you want to join IMA or OTA. This entry is conducted by UPSC twice every year for both male and female candidates. You need to pass written test first to attend SSB interview. Any graduate can apply for this.
  • UES entry also know as University Entry Scheme, this is also similar to TGC and SSC tech but only final and pre final male engineering graduates are eligible for this entry.
Should you have any questions regarding TGC entry, do not forget to write them in the comment box below.
Apply for TGC 129 Course 

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  1. I have applied for it even though I got to know that my cumulative was just around 58%, Is it still possible to get a chance and be shortlisted for TGC???

  2. Hey, I have completed my engineering after completing a high school diploma, I have not studied 10 + 2., because in Maharashtra state you can join engineering after high school diploma of government, is it necessary for TGC admission to have 12th completed.

    • Two Times a year and the notifications for this course are published in a newspaper or at the official army site in the months of Mar/Apr and Sep/Oct.

  3. I am a mechatronics student can i write TGC as mechatronics stream is not available in the list and i have a rod in my left leg will it be a physical lag to join the service. Pls do let me know as soon as possible.

  4. are we eligible for entry through tgc in indian army if we had done diploma after 10th and then b tech after diploma . please tell me .

  5. Hello, I am a MCA 1st sem student now, will I be eligible for TGC after my completion of MCA like MSc Computer Science???

  6. sir my btech civil aggregate 73.13% and 12th 66.5% can i receive in my name in merit liest sir i want to on what bases merit liest is making for tgc in indian army

  7. I didn’t received any ssb details of TGC-122 via mail although i got the msg on my registered number please help me what should I do to have the complete information about my centre and documents to be carried??

  8. hello ,sir….i am dev….7th sem ….civil engineering but sir my percentage of whole semester is going to be near about 67 but if we talk about only to 6 semester…it is only 60….sir i want to know that i have ncc c certificate,sports certificate and all other extra things like i am a RDC holder…but is i am capable to join army …..tgc…pls reply …sir

  9. hi sir,
    I am dinesh. Final year mechatronics engineering student.
    Can i join in TGC-21?
    There is no mechatronics stream in this notification.

  10. lately,indian army been providing more and more opportunities to femalew candidates as well ..so any idea from when female candidates will be allowed to appear through tgc ?

  11. Is SB interview compulsory for both negineers n who applying for IAF,Ind. army n navy?.i have lost my 2 teeth (what we call as molars)other all parameters are fien.plz help!

  12. Helo, i wish to know that is it compusory to send the online submitted form to the indian army head quarter. if yes, at which address.

    But as per instrutions mentioned in online application of tgc, there mentioned that there is no need to send the hardcopy of submitted application form to indian army.

    Please clarify this regard. i shall be very thankful to him if anyone help me in this regard.

    ur comments most welcomed !

  13. What would be the criteria for eligibility if one has passed his b.tech? Would it be similar to what pre final year students are subjected to? Ie. Aggregate upto 6th sem?

  14. I am a dual degree enrolled studen. My research papers have passed plagrism test. Only presenttion nd viva are left till date. It was a five year programe was enrolled in 2008-13 batch and dissertation papers were submited in 2013 in october. Am i elligeble fot TGS

  15. Hello members,excellent work in guiding young defense aspirants.I have a question.I am an engineering graduate and i am confused in choosing the type of entry.Whether to choose TGC or CDS?What is the difference between two?I do not want to waste my engineering degree too….And what are the benefits for engineers serving through TGC over CDS?Please may you clarify this?I am writing cds 2 2013…this sunday…..and will also be applying for TGC 119….Can you please guide me…
    thank you…

  16. Hello members of editorial board.,

    you are doing a nice job of maintaining this website with upto date information.
    I have one query.
    i am currently(2013-2014) in my final year E.C.E at NIT Warangal. I want to join Indian Army.
    can i apply to Indian army through UES-the latest notification released by Indian army.??

  17. What is the procedure for non-tech officer? I mean i have a graduation degree in mechanical and i want to be a officer with field work not some technical work….. HOW…???

  18. my branch is “computer engineering”. am I eligible for tgc 118? because the branch given in the notification is computer science…

    • Siddhart Rawat
      Hi i am cadet Siddharth Rawat i am persuading BTech marine engineering from tolani Maritime Institute pune and my btech aggregate is 80% till now , and Marine engineering is same as mechanical engineering , so i am eligible for TGC

  19. I filled my form last time I.e tgc 117 all important documents was sent attested. I had done msc computer science. But did not find my name in ssb interview list….why…..?…….I repeat all the document was sent….there was no errors. .score 79% in msc computer science. ….


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