There are numerous situations in life where you have to take control of different people along with yourself. I am not talking of parenting or taking care of dependents. I am talking of taking responsibilities of those who are not related to you anyhow. Who are not having any blood relation nor share anything with you. Today’s era is the era where working in isolation is not possible. Though it’s an era of nuclear families on one hand but when the same person goes to the organisation he tends to be with people, he works as a team member.
The irrelevance of thought is that a person cannot entertain his family members but is ready to work along with people not related in blood. But this is the need of time. All organisations prefer people having quality of team work. You should have this quality if you are a defence aspirant. I know you will shout loud that I have the quality of finishing all work alone but when you are surrounded by lot of people or say enemies, will you be able to handle the situation. Will you not ask for help? Or take other situation where people are between gherao and you are asked to go and solve the situation. I know you will utilise you intelligence, but you are performing a team work activity. Working in teams always makes the work easy and it helps bringing out quality work from the individual.
Team work is the quality where you have to gel along with people. Helping in team, helping people, utilising your capability, to solve the problem of others while utilising your knowledge for the benefit for others. Though you will ask at the end that will get the credit. How will I claim that I am efficient enough to handle the situation? Don’t worry; you will get the due credit. How will being a team player help:
- Everyone will be ready to work for you and this quality is looked at SSB because you need to work in large teams.
- Work handling is made easy and life seems easy even if tough situations.
- Many rounds at SSB judge this quality of a person where he or she needs to excel. All group activity has this competency mapped to it.
- Aspirants are requested to perform best in individual rounds where they are under observation but contributions in team rounds also count. So balance the act.
And there are lot of other things to prove your mettle. Anyways start doing welfare of others and see the magic how people are ready to help you in adverse situation. So do or die and get everyone to your side!!! Beware you will always be benefitted by this quality as people will always be ready to help you and would love to be at your side. Still If you have any confusion or feel to take individual assessment of personality for olq’s or prepare from your place itself through one to one interaction through my mentoring / counselling program drop me a mail at [email protected] or add me on Fb and drop in a message. It would be a pleasure to help and resolve queries and clear doubts which are more often myths that are present in the mind and that can severely degrade the performance.
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Jayendra is pursuing MBA from IIM Ranchi and is a die heart counsellor for defence aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.
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