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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended For Indian Army In 6th Attempt

Recommended For Indian Army In 6th Attempt

“ To live your dream you have to dream first” – APJ Abdul Kalam. Hi friends I am Shahebaz Naik recommended for SSCT-45 in my 6th attempt from 17 SSB Bangalore. I was always fascinated by olive green uniform with stars on your shoulders a and always wanted to join the army. My SSB journey started in December 2013 for SSCT-42 at 22 SSB Bhopal as a fresher with little knowledge about the process I got conference out. The same followed in TGC-119 and TGC-120 but this time from Bangalore . But the sad part starts I got screened out from SSC(S/M) from NSB Coimbatore and SSCT-44 consecutively from 17 SSB Bangalore. Again I applied for TGC-121 but was not shortlisted due to high cut off. Then I applied for SSCT-45 and I got a call to attend SSB at Bangalore this was my fourth time at Bangalore .I packed my bags and booked train ticket from Goa to Bangalore. I reached Bangalore by 7 am got freshened up had a delicious breakfast and waited outside the station. I was not amazed to see such a huge crowd of aspirants as I was used to see such a crowd in my previous attempts. The army buses arrived and took us all to the selection centre , on reaching their we were verified with our documents and filled various forms and chest nos were allotted I got chest no 183 out of 217 as I was a repeater.


Day 1-(Screening).

OIR was very easy as I solved around 48 to 49 in each sets .After OIR immediately PPDT was taken and a lady psycho briefed us we were shown a picture of a doctor with two ladies. I wrote a story of a new doctor who organized a free medical camp. We were divided into group of 20 then asked to discuss then fish market started but I kept my cool then the officer divided us into two groups and asked to discuss our group was very cooperative and we discussed very well. Then we were asked to leave the room then we had our lunch and around 2 pm the technical officer arrived with results I was screened in with 34 others out of 217. I thanked almighty and considered this as my last chance and I have to make it count. My new chest no was 33.

Day 2-Psychology.


A lady psycho briefed us. In TAT we were shown 12 pics which I wrote all positive stories and in the 12th slide I wrote my college story of organising a football event. In WAT I could write 58 words and in SRT I wrote only 42 because her only quality matters not quantity .In SD I wrote true qualities about myself and also wrote the traits I want to improve.

Day 3- GTO

We were divided into groups of 8 but our group had 7 members. Our GTO was very frank and jolly person .GTO started with GD in GD I initiated and gave good points and also agreed to others . In GPE I could not give good solution instead I agreed and went on went on with my groups plan. I PGT I decided to stay back and give ideas rather than rushing for balli and planks. I gave few ideas which my group implemented and crossed obstacles. I had got one of the best the groups in my SSB attempts. We all agreed to each other and smoothly completed all tasks. In HGT we were divided into 4 and 3 members and our group finished our task within one minute. In snake race I helped members to climb up and motivated them by war cry “ vandematram” ,We finished first . At last we had lecturette where I got topic politics in sports and I spoke for all 3 mins and Day3 over .

Day 4- GTO

We were left with IO , CT and FGT. I calmly completed all 10 IO. In my CT I got difficult task as I was called 3 times by group. I completed my CT within few minutes . At last we completed our FGT and GTO was over. My GTO went excellent and this boosted my confidence.

INTERVIEW- My interview was scheduled immediately after GTO I went to barracks freshened up and changed into formals . I was interviewed by president of 17 SSB who was of Brigadier rank. My interview revolved around PIQ with my schooling, why I didn’t try for NDA but I impressed him through GK and current affairs he asked all questions of GK and current affairs . I was satisfied by my interview and went to cyber café to find questions I couldn’t answer for conference.

Day 5- Conference

I waited 15 mins outside hall before I was called in . I was asked about my stay , rate my performance which test went well I gave bold and confident answers which my interviewer was satisfied. We asked to immediately asked to assemble with all documents in jojan Thomas hall. Within few minutes the technical officer arrived with results at that point of time I was very calm and cool rather than thinking of results . He started with chest no 26 the he said “chest no 33” after hearing this I was on cloud nine at last a dream come true after so much of struggle . out of 35 candidates 4 were recommended . I cleared my medicals and waiting for the merit list. My advice to all my fellow repeaters don’t get disheartened after failing in SSB do your self-introspection and keep on trying till you succeed. “ Khuda ke ghar der hai andher nahirecommended candidate ssb experiencessb recommended candidate experience

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