UPSC has published the written test result of CDS 2 2013 in their official portal Candidates those who have applied and attended CDS 2 2013 can check their result on the link provided below. CDS 2 2013 was conducted by UPSC on 8th Sep 2013, SSB interviews for CDS 2 2013 entry would start from Mar 2014 onward.
On the basis of the results of the COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICES EXAMINATION (II)-2013 held by the Union Public Service Commission on 8th September, 2013, 8984 candidates with the following Roll Numbers have qualified for being interviewed by the Service Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence, for admission to
- Indian Military Academy, Dehradun 137th Course commencing in July, 2014
- Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala Course commencing in July, 2014
- Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course for 196th F(P) Course commencing in July, 2014
- Officers’ Training Academy, Chennai 100th SSC Course (for Men) commencing in October, 2014 and (v) Officers’ Training Academy, Chennai, 14th SSC Women (Non-Technical) Course commencing in October, 2014.
The marks-sheet of candidates who have not qualified, will be put on the Commission’s website within 15 days from the date of publication of the final result (after conducting SSB Interview) and will remain available on the website for a period of 60 days.
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l,m very interest for this work
hello everyone…
in case u dont kno,
SSB centres for 137IMA course have been declared,
i.e for CDS2 2013
kindly chk
hey frnds check for more info of upsc result
Hw do s.s.b judges person.
which books you preferred for gk
when could be the probable date for SSB-ota?
july- august
By aug the final merit list wil come..
It shud b arnd march end..
Although even i dont know the exact dates..
Evn m eager to kow aBt my ssb centre and date.
After May for sure.
sectional passing is mandatory or on total marks? Could anyone tell?
sectional as well as total.
i opted OTA as my 1st pref. after cross examining my answers with the key provided by the site i was getting 81.2. but still my number is not in the list.. can someone help in knowing what exactly the cut off is
english 56
GK 25.2
brother, your score is hovering around the cut-off region. So in all probability you are short by a few marks(2-3) .
i cleared for na ima ota. i give priority to na instead of ima during form submission. now i want to give ssb for ima but unfortunately i will get call from navy. can it change now and how. help me guys
No u cant change it now.
It was clearly written in notification that u cant change ur prefernce later on.
U shud hav taken care of it earlier..
any one cleared for OTA,, pls tell me how much marks you think you have scored
pls rplyyyyyy pls
I expctd 98..
I got selected for ota.
But cut off would have been around 76-80.
Last yr ie cds 2 2012 cut off was 76/200 for ota.
I got selected for ota i was expecting 80 it must be around that i guess.
sripad,congrats ……you said you were expecting 80…..what abt the GK paper of cds 2 much marks you expected in the GK paper…….pls reply…because i just want compare it since i had written cds 1 2014…pls help..pls reply
How will we know abt the ssb centre and ssb dates?
Where are they published?
the interview may commence from the end of february.
Have you got the call letter?
Or r u just speculating???
And wen wl joinindianarmy website wl display all names and their ssb centre and place?
i made a caluculation myself.this is not speculation.generally the interviews will start 4 months before the month of commencement of training.u can check it up that the same happens with the NDA also.try checking previous cdse exams result and their followup call letters for interview.