AFCAT 02 2013 written test result is out now, you can check your AFCAT result at Air Force official website or here. Also you can log in at to know your AFCAT 02 2013 marks. Air Force has kept the cut off marks for AFCAT 116 this time. All successful candidates are required to select their AFCAT 2 2013 AFSB interview venue and generate their call letter for AFSB interview.
Select AFCAT 2 2013 Venue and Generate Call Letter
- List of Candidates shortlisted, from AFCAT 2/2013 held on 25 Aug 13, for next phase of testing at Air Force Selection Boards (AFSB) is linked below. Based on the induction requirements of the IAF, performance of candidates in AFCAT as well as statistics of Reporting and Success rates at AFSBs, the cut off marks for short listing candidates for AFCAT 2/2013 held on 25 Aug 13 is 116 / 300.
- Candidates may login to their account to view their individual AFCAT Marks.
- Candidates whose AFCAT Numbers figure in the list are required to login to their account and select the venue and date of further testing in one of the Air Force Selection Boards (AFSB). The last date for selection of AFSB venue and date is 06 Oct 2013. Thereafter candidates are required to print a call up letter from the website and report at their selected venue along with Call Up letter, AFCAT Admit Card and other documents listed in the Call Up letter.
- Shortlisted candidates who fail to select their AFSB venues on or before 06 Oct 2013 would be allotted their AFSB batches by IAF and intimated through their registered E Mail ID. On receipt of E Mail, candidates are required to print a Call Up letter from the website and report at their selected venue along with Call Up letter, AFCAT Admit Card and other documents listed in the Call Up letter.
Please Note
- All candidates are required to carefully read and follow the General Instructions available on before reporting to AFSB.
- All candidates to download their Call Up letters by 31 Oct 13. Candidate login for AFCAT 2/2013 will not be available from 01 Nov 13.
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This explains everything
I forgot to download my AFSB call letter. I cant login now because the login for AFCAT 2/2013 closed on 1 Nov 2013…Is there any way i so thati can download my call letter.. My AFSB is scheduled on 6th Jan 2014.
Same problem abhishek….if u get any solution please inform me aswell
@ [email protected]
hi i can’t download my call up letter of afsb as login is not allowd…….. can u help me what to do now?
Can anyone login into the afcat website?
HI everyone this is Naveen here …i was expecting around 180+ but i was totally astonished when i saw the figure of mere 117, which is just 1 mark more than the cut off specified by air force officials…anyway im happy to be shortlisted in the merit list but i just wanna know from all of you that after scoring 117 in written test, will i have any chance to make it through to the final merit list of afcat2 ??? i can do pretty well in ssb but the marks are really demotivating me and pulling my strengths down …..plzzz suggest something???
i got more dan 200 in the last 2 afcats and dis tym i got 146 ……wtf………i was damn sure dis tym also i will get more dan 200……something was wrong in d checkin…..those who could not make it to the list should definitely appeal afcatcell regarding dis….
to all my dear aspirants..not a single question was wrong and it was tough this time, thats why the cutoff went to its lowest level….best of luck for all who hs cleared the cut off and for rest prepare hard take it to 200 marks level..thank you
Qn’s weren’t wrong. But the options were.
me also expected 170+ but got 104 only
frnd every where result has been found totally unexpected …….most of us are trying to contact afcat cell ,we expect the same thing from u……..may be there is any technical fault ….like it happened 1 year ago………so plz you all do call..
yes same here i was thinking that i will get around 135 bt i got 98 only !!!!!
i am Expecting Atleast above 160 but got only 106…
Cont know the Exact reason why.????
hey did ayone know the Procedure for rechecking….
really there is something wrong with the results this year……………..I am scoring 95 and I was expecting atleast 150+……. and even some of my friends have same problem…………guys please suggest how to raise objections
please ask your friends to call on the numbers provided in the comments section and also drop mail to [email protected]
mail sent to [email protected]…. no answer yet…..
me too expected 150+ but got 99 only…
hey did you sent mail at [email protected]……………..please send the mail……. we have to raise objections then only something positive coudl come out from afcat side
please do check the result once again sir
i got 167 marks, what is the least marks of the candidate in merit list last time, does anyone know??
Merit is calculated by totalling AFCAT written and AFSB marks. As such , you have a good chance to make the merit if you get a recommendation. All the best.
thank you i will try my level best in the AFSB then………….. i heard that we should get around 200 or 210 for dat purpose
I don’t know the scheme of marking at the SSBs. All I know is, I got to do better than what I i last time around!
oh ok ok thank you anyway
i got 115 marks…is there any chance that cut off will be reduced by one mark???
u must mail afcat about this
sorry to say that, but i dont think they change any cutoff once decided
they do
Praveen, YOu are right that they dont change their cut-off once declared. But they have always prepared the extended list of few hundred candidates based on their scored marks and hereafter ,for choosing those lucky ones, they sectional keep some sectional cut-offs.
yeah i think that may happen
yup, they do
Last year AFCAT official declared 2nd list of shorlisted candidate. Might be this time they do the same.
All the best:)
well thanks vikram for this information 🙂
Yes Amit, everytime in past, a extended list was announced . If that is so this time too then you definitely will get a call. Hope for the BEST
thankyou hrishikesh for showing your concern…..could you please tell me when exactly this 2nd list is announced…..????
ohh so sad bro …i guess once it is declared and merit list is prepared there is no chance that air force officials will have any change in the cut off …so all the best for next time
same here….till now i found that more than 20 frnds of mine having same problem….!! we have to raise this issue in front of the AFCAT officials….please co-operate.
sure..anything to help others..
i am totally surprised my marks has been shown as 96 (totally surprised). Even though after cross checking the answers of already discussed questions here on website i was expecting the marks to be around 170+ after removing negative marks. i can expect difference of 2-3 marks here and there but not so less that i cant even make the cut-off marks which is just 116.
i think this time again some errors re there in results like last year it happened in AFCAT-2 2012..
what do u think friends..if any of you have also faced such surprising results then please post in comments so that we can we can let Indian air force officials know of the mistake.
yeah! it’s totally unexpected about the result.
first time that cutt off had found such a low .
I think this time negative marking method would have changed……
what say??
yes buddy,same here,there we’re also some mistakes even in the questions too
same here….. i was expecting 150+…….. but got only 78… very sad … disappointed and demotivated…
are you able to login