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PsychologySelf DescriptionSelf Introspection Leads to Success

Self Introspection Leads to Success

I am a die hard aspirant who kept in mind the motto of “try one more time by self-introspection)” and achieved my dream after 7 attempts. i.e 4 conferences and 3 screen outs. I started my SSB journey in Jan 2012 (SSC tech 38) (conference out) and got recommended in Apr 2012 in Indian Coast Guard. But even though i was declared medically fit in Review Medical Board for Bilateral Cubitus Valgus (excess carrying angle), the seat for ICG in Ezhimala was filled and when i called the ICG HQ , they told me come fresh next time !!!!!!


Disheartened with bit anger, i wanted to cope with the psychological stress i was facing and quickly took up the job as Planning Engineer in a power plant construction company. The love for uniform kept the fire inside my heart burning and went to TGC-117 Bangalore in May 2013 ( Conference out) and later to SSC tech-41 to ALD in July 2013 (conference out again)prepared but lot of error in personality had crept in.  I did go to coaching when i was recommended in ICG in 2012 but consequent failures were still there as i was not exhibiting the ‘natural hero’ (who is there in every human) in my psychology and interviews.
Kept introspecting, practiced a lot of TAT and WAT SRT and SD by setting time for mock test on Sunday in a SSB simulated environment in my room!!(Psychologist narration was given to me by myself 😉 :).
Kept update about the current affairs just 1 month before SSB and recalled my idea of cantilever in Previous GTOs.
Self Introspection Leads to Success


About Coaching: 
Yes friends i went to an Ex.Sr.GTO for guidance. But remember as we compare SSB to a battle, The IMA or OTA can only train you how to shoot, but it is us who have to apply the knowledge gained with the immense presence of mind.
SSB CRACK’s Role: 
“My appointment to the psychologist” which i downloaded from SSB crack was a big turning point. i.e. It told the ways to develop OLQ while being ourselves.
Strategy to crack SSB:
  • TAT : real life crisis stories which i or my colleagues solved in my personal and official life.
  • WAT : crisis solving and team work related words  used in my profession, current affairs and hobbies
  • SRT : Repeated practice for good hand writing and i solved all the problems that i faced in real life and treated them as SRT. ( wrote only 36 logical ones in SSB)
  • Self Description: Asked the respective people about their opinion and wrote what kind of person i would like to be in personal and professional life by fine tuning it.
  • No quarrelling in GD but requested genuinely when i wanted to put my points and listening to others and added my points by complimenting their points.
  • GPE: Logical step by step prioritizing of hurdles and time & resource available and action plan. and spoke 2 times.
  • PGT , HGT and FGT, CT as usual just helped as and when required and snake race they told not to put the figure of 8 but just cross the obstacle with snake . But i had missed the instruction !!! (how embarrassing it would be when whole team wondered why i was putting the figure of “8”) . Lecturette was on talibanisation of Pakistan (knowledge on current affairs helped here). A bold and step by step explanation of topic, with a good smile and eye contact throughout.
As interview was on the 4th day, he had the psych and GTO assessments on his table and gave me a rapid fire and i missed two. I kept everything in my mind and answered step by step in sequence with a natural smiley face. to recall i closed my eyes and recalled and told the answer. Not a single question on GK or current affairs!!! Of course very general technical and general physics questions. (Inertia and newton’s law)
A insulting question like: you have been recommended once but Conference out two times after that (sarcastically smile). What is the reason?
Ans : Sir, I had the OLQ during Coast guard FSB, but after one year the personality changed and had errors. So i have corrected them and this time i will recommended ( i was smiling but he dint !!!!)
It lasted for nearly 30 min and over.
Me:Good morning everyone.
Dy Pres: Good morning. So you have sufficient experience in SSB it seems ( Sarcastic and laughing seeing my PIQ )
Me: (smiling) Yes i do have SIR.
DY Pres: OK rate your performance in the three techniques in the ascending order
 Me: Psych, interview and GTO
Dy Pres: Why GTO 3rd?
Me: I did mistake in Snake race and couldn’t finish CT exactly as GTO
Dy Pres: How do you rate yourself in your GTO group.
Me: I am no. One Sir,
Dy pres. : WHom do you rate next to you in GTO.
Me: Chest no. 42 Sir,
Dy. : How was stay ?
 Me : Fine sir.
Dy : thank you , you may leave now.
Friends, they are psychologically checking to suit the defense. i.e We may definitely try to our best and get failed. But the way you understand and correct you failure and attack and win battles (SSB). I have won my battle by becoming 6th rank in mechanical engineering in the merit list for SSC tech 42.
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  1. sir i am mechanical engineering student. shortlisted for SSB of UES 24 which will be held on oct-nov this year. i want to know that does ua engineering semester marks matter in final merit list or any where else in the selection???

  2. @s.vignesh: Dear Vignesh..Congratzz for ur success. I need ur help w.r.t coast guard FSB .I have my FSB on 11th May..It would be great if u could share ur mail_id or mob number.This is sanjay from chennai. mob:9994204930,mail_id:[email protected]

    • see sanjay the fsb is same as u would have experienced in coast guard.
      they have lesser dimensions to access us in FSB due to lack of Out door tasks. rest all are same 🙂


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