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SSB InterviewTipsWhy Just One Chance Is Enough

Why Just One Chance Is Enough

In the same vein, it feels demonic and demoralizing when we only have one chance left. It feels as if nothing is going to work, the long chased dream appears to be plummeting.

Greetings to all the avid followers of our website, here’s wishing each and every one a mirthful and fruitful new year. Today we would like to discuss the effect of the number of chances available for selection on the individual and why one should not pay much heed to it. There is no limit to the number of chances one can avail for selection in the services. It feels soothing to have a few chances left in the kitty. I know for a fact that most of the repeaters very carefully count the number of chances left. A few freshers also have a tendency of counting the number of attempts they can avail. Counting the number of chances available is not at all harmful but one must not get carried away even if one has many of them. There is a propensity in aspirants to think that “, Is baar nahin toh agli baar ho hi jayega”. They think that one day the tables would turn automatically and they will get recommended. Remember one thing, only persistent effort gets you to your destination. Success is not a fortuitous(accidental) phenomenon. The luck factor in the SSB is as good as a drop in the ocean.

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In the same vein, it feels demonic and demoralizing when we only have one chance left. It feels as if nothing is going to work, the long chased dream appears to be plummeting. Yes, the pressure of performance and the scourge of failure is more pronounced as compared to the earlier attempts but by becoming tense and nervous you are only increasing your chances of biting the dust. If you are serious enough about your goal, the number of chances should not tickle you much. Clearing SSB is not very difficult, it is all about applying yourself during the selection process. You only require one golden chance to wipe out all your sour memories, just one more go at the coveted uniform and that will be it. Many examples are in front us, they all convey the same thing. The number of your attempt doesn’t hold any importance to the assessors. If you have developed yourself to be suitable enough, if your personality conforms to the one they require, you are as valuable to them as any other fresh candidate.


The reason I dwelled on this subject was to give more strength and rigour to the aspirants, especially the repeaters. Having one last attempt is all the more reason to work doubly harder. If you want to know the value of one chance, just ask the one who has consumed up all his chances for selection. A key characteristic of an officer is that he is undeterred by failures. No one in this world has an easy life, everybody is fighting his own battles. So, to sum it up, I would reiterate that it is frivolous to waste your time thinking about the chances left. Instead, take your next chance as your last and final one. Give it your all, you live only once and once only you get a chance to realise your dream. Keep visiting ssbcrack. JAI HIND

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Vardaan Parashar
Vardaan Parasharhttps://ssbcrack.com/
Apart from being a defence enthusiast, I have great zeal towards patriotic and welfare activities. I hail from a rich defence background with my dad being a retired commandant in the Indian Coast Guard. I am currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering and wish to join DRDO one day.
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