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Indian Coast GuardIndian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 2018

Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 2018 [APPLY NOW]

JOIN INDIAN COAST GUARD AS AN ASSISTANT COMMANDANT IN GD, GD(Pilot) AND CPL(SSA) BRANCH EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR MEN TO BECOME OFFICER IN INDIAN COAST GUARD – 02/2018 BATCH. The Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union, offers a challenging career to young and dynamic Indian male candidates for various branches as an Assistant Commandant(Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officer) and invites ‘online’ application.


Branch and Eligibility. Indian citizens having following minimum qualifications are eligible to apply:Assistant CommandantAssistant Commandant 2


  1. The upper age limit of OBC/SC & ST is relaxable as per Govt. of India rules in vogue.
  2. Maximum 5% relaxation in aggregate in the degree certificate for SC/ST candidates, NCC ’C’ (A grade) holders, Sports person of National level (Inter State & above) and wards of Coast Guard uniform personnel deceased while in service. No relaxation for 12th class marks.
  3. Coast Guard reserves the right to fix the cut off percentage for issue of PSB call up letters.

Additional Eligibility Criteria

  • The candidates failed in Computerised Pilot Selection System/PABT or suspended from flying training at Air Force Academy are not eligible for Pilot branch.
  • Candidates withdrawn on disciplinary grounds from any other service training academy are not eligible to appear.
  • Candidates should not have been arrested, convicted or prosecuted on criminal charges.
  • Only candidates cleared their final year/ final semester exams and completed their degrees are to apply.

How to Apply

  1. Applications will be accepted only ‘Online’ from 18 Nov 17 to 02 Dec 17 up to 1700 hrs for the above branches The important instructions for filling up of online applications are as follows:-
    • The name of the candidate, father/mother’s name and date of birth should be same as mentioned in the 10th class passing certificate. Any mismatch in names & date of birth in the application form is liable for rejection.
    • Indicate exact percentage of 12th and Graduation marks upto two decimals and this is not to be rounded off.
    • Candidates to choose any one venue for PSB out of the options displayed.
    • Filling up with information like personal email ID and Mobile number of the candidate is compulsory. The date, time and venue of the test and other information will be informed through personal email ID/ CG Recruitment website.
    • In case of reserved category applicants, availing age/percentage relaxation, either current or permanent address of online application should be same as the address mentioned in caste/category certificate (SC, ST & OBC). Further in case of OBC non-creamy layer, the category certificate should not be more than 3 financial years old and for such cases renewed/fresh certificate to be produced.
    • To fill up “Online” application the candidates need to logon to the Website www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.inand click on opportunities button. Read the instruction carefully and proceed as given below in the notification:-.

Selection Procedure:

  • Short Listing of Applications. Short listing criteria will be based on higher percentage of marks in the qualifying examination and the qualifying cut off for a particular branch or centre may be increased more than 60% if more applications with higher % are received.
  • Stage -I Preliminary Selection. Shortlisted candidates will be called for Preliminary Selection at given date and time which will consist of Mental Ability Test/ Cognitive Aptitude Test and Picture Perception & Discussion Test (PP&DT). The aptitude tests will be in English only and will be of objective type. During PP&DT the candidates are expected to speak and discuss in English. However, they are free to speak in Hindi if they wish to do so. Date/ time and venue of Preliminary Selection once allotted will not be changed at any stage.

Candidates who have completed their Degree in 2016/2017 should be in possession of Original / Provisional Degree issued by the College/University. Candidates completed their Degree before 2016 must be in possession of Original Degree issued by the University, if not, the candidate must be in a possession of “Non issuance of Degree Certificate” issued / signed from the concerned University only (format available in www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.in). No candidates will be permitted to appear in PSB without above documents in Original. The CGPA should be corroborated with 60% of the total marks as issued from the University.

Final Selection: The candidates who qualify Preliminary Selection will be called for Final Selection. The date and venue for Final Selection Board (FSB) will be uploaded on Indian Coast Guard website www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.in. The Final Selection will consist of Psychological Test, Group Task and Interview (Personality test). All documents/ certificates verified during PSB are also required to be produced in originals during FSB.

Merit List: Recommendation in FSB does not confirm final selection. A merit list will be prepared for the medically fit candidates on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates at FSB and depending upon the availability of vacancies. The number of vacancies may vary from branch to branch and will be decided at a later date depending on the number of training vacancies available at training establishments. The list of candidates selected on the basis of merit list will be uploaded in Coast Guard recruitment website www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.in during first week of Jun 2018. The joining letters will be issued accordingly. The training at INA, Ezhimala is scheduled to commence in end Jun 2018.


How To Prepare:

Read Official Notification


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