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SSBCrackAFCAT 02/2012 Result Stand Cancelled

AFCAT 02/2012 Result Stand Cancelled

AFCAT result was out on 26th Sep 2012, till then, there is no log in facility available for passed candidates to log in and do the rest of the procedure of selecting AFSB center and dates. Shockingly today, air force announced the cancellation of AFCAT 02/2012 result published earlier. 
This is what Air force said  “Due to system generated technical error, results of AFCAT 02/2012 declared on 26 september 12 (for the afcat held on 26 august 12) and e mails received by the candidates on 26/ 27 september 12 Stating that they have been shortlisted for ssb testing stand Cancelled.  Fresh results of afcat 02/2012 will be uploaded on the Website shortly. The error is deeply regretted. ” 

Reasons for cancellation of result: 

  • Discrimination in the result posted earlier due to technical fault.
  • Mail sent to failed candidates for AFSB Interview due to technical fault.
  • Something wrong, can’t say, error in actual result.

Effect of cancellation on candidates:

  • Few passed candidates may loose the chance to attend AFSB this time, there must be some error in result, that is the reason IAF cancelled the whole result and going to publish new result. It is never only technical error.
  • Few failed candidates might find their name in the new result, but the chances are very less. Hope the result comes as 100% correct. 


It wasn’t expected from IAF, they have followed the new way of registration which is very easy but candidates are facing problem during result. Lets hope for the best, IAF soon going to rectify the error and come up with correct figures.

Please share your views upon this notice of IAF, post your comment in the box below.

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  1. Dear frnz all these happened due to pressure of publishing the speedy result and within the stipulated time. Collecting manual answer sheets from all over country and processing in one month time frame when such a mass participation above expectations took place was great challenge. And morever NIC.IN handle the web and IAF only provides data to them. Coming result will be 100% accurate for sure and if an earlier passed candidate declared failed in coming result will also be fact based and supported by his/her answer sheet so please dont blame such a wonderful organisation in which no one ask u for bribe and all. Learn to respect one of the top organisation of our nation. Finally IAF has the guts to accept the failure publcally and proved so. Else nobody is through to join academy and SSB yet to be cracked. IAF would hv planned to failed candidates in next test too. But it accepted and offered correction then n there. Jai Hind

    • What you said is partially correct, IAF is not expected to make such mistakes because it’s a prestigious organization. Nothing happens for free, there is lot of investment made behind this and if something like this happens, there is no questions of taking it in ease.

      Also technology is for making life easier but not something like this. When manual results can come in one months then with the use technology it can also come withing 20 days.

  2. All are saying that the candidates who are not in the list are also sent e-mails that they are selected for AFSB…..
    My number is in that list despite the mail… so am i in?

  3. think about those candidates whose roll no. is published in the list and in the new list he may not find his name……isse jada bura aur kuch ni ho skta…

  4. Its really very shocking!!…
    This is not expected from such a professional organisation..
    Till I get inside the SSB center I can’t say anything else other than “Lets hope for the best.”

  5. There are about 14400 odd candidates selected in the first list(which now stands cancelled). IAF which maintains very high standards and accuracy has however made a bad move. In rut to achieve speedy delivery such problems arised!

  6. It’s really unfair.. Proper verification must be done before displaying the results. I was announced cleared the exam, now have to wait for further announcements. One exam two results.. what’s this?


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