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SSB InterviewTipsAFSB Vs SSB Interview

AFSB Vs SSB Interview


Some candidates those who have applied for Indian Air Force Entries might get confuse between AFSB and SSB Interview procedure, though there is not much difference in the whole process, but there are certain things one must know about AFSB and SSB Interview process. AFSB stands for Air Force Selection Board, the main function of AFSB is to conduct interviews for the candidates and recommend potential candidates to become officers in Indian Air Force. There are total four AFSBs all over India which are, 1 AFSB Dehradun, 2 AFSB Mysore, 3 AFSB Gandhinagar and 4 AFSB Varanasi. One can attend AFSB interviews through CDSE and AFCAT entry. Sometimes Indian Air Force also conducts FTS [Fast Track Selection], which is another way to get into Indian Air Force.

On the other hand, SSB stands for Services Selection Board. Mostly, Indian Army and Indian Navy use this term in their call letter. Army has services selection boards at Allahabad, Bhopal and Bangalore which are responsible for recommending potential candidates to become Army officers. Indian navy has naval services selection boards at Bhopal, Bangalore and Coimbatore. Soon they will open a new naval selection board in Bengal.

AFSB- Air Force SSB- Army and Navy
Term used for Air Force SSB Interview Term Used for Army and Navy SSB Interview
AFSB at 1 AFSB Dehradun,2 AFSB Mysore,3 AFSB Gandhinagar and 4 AFSB Varanasi SSB at Allahabad, Bhopal, Bangalore, Coimbatore
Reporting time 7:00 AM Reporting time mostly 2:30 PM ( early morning for few entries)
Documentation, Screening and Psychological tests on the day of reporting Documentation on the day of reporting, screening process on the next day.
Screened In ratio 60/100 Screened In ration 40/100
Recommendation percentage more Recommendation percentage average(army), less(navy)
Mode of Entry: NDA, CDSE, AFCAT, FTS etc Mode of Entry: NDA, CDSE, UES, TES, TGC, SSC-tech etc
Call up process: Good Call up process: Average
Call and Email Support: Good Call and Email Support: Average
Website: http://careerairforce.nic.in/ http://joinindianarmy.nic.in/ http://nausena-bharti.nic.in/

Though there are few minor differences but the whole process is same, one can prepare for SSB or AFSB, it doesn’t matter because both follow the same tests procedure and expect the same level of performance.
Candidates are advised to refer their call up letter for correct and apt details, one must follow the instructions mentioned in the call up letter for SSB or AFSB. For any clarification you are required to call the concerned board only.

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  1. i have not downloaded call letter for AFSB through afcat and planned ssb at varanasi on 28 july.. how can i get call letter as the site to download it is disabled. pls help me with this…?? what are the documents required for AFSB??

    pls do reply me at [email protected]

  2. Sir i lost my original admit card of afcat written test… It is required on the day of afsb interview… plz guide me.. what should i do… whom to contact. . Its my last chance..afsb at dehradun

  3. Sir, I have my AFSB testing on June 2013 and I have applied for UES entry 2014.

    My 6 th sem result is declared and I passed with 78 percent aggregate of all semesters.
    the official grade cards are not issued from University (can I carry
    print outs of the 5 th and 6 th sem grade cards attested with

    how about the COURSE-CUM-PERCENTAGE CERTIFICATE.(link http://careerairforce.nic.in/writereaddata/mainlinkFile/File238.pdf)
    Do I need to carry it to the AFSB interview or is it only for people who completed final year.

  4. sir what if a person gets recommended by afsb and is not in the merit list that year,then the next ear will the same person be given extra weightage during afsb ?

  5. @Admin we think that you should introduce the concept of liking of posts so that we can easily search for most read and most liked posts of yours.
    it will also keep your most useful articles always available rather then they getting lost with time,,
    ps-just an advice 🙂


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