Written exam of CDS-2-2013 was conducted by UPSC on 08th Sep 2013. Candidates who have written CDSE 2 2103 must be waiting for CDS 2 2013 answer keys and cut off marks. Through CDS 2 2103 candidates will join the course commencing in July 2014 for admission to the Army, Air Force wings and Navy. Course like IMA 137th Course, SSC 100th, 12th OTA,196th Flying Course and Naval Academy. Candidates looking for CDS 2 2012 Key and cut off marks, Paper solution sheet, CDS key 2013, CDS 2 2013 Cut Off Marks / answer sheet of CDS-2 2013 can check it on SSBCrack. Aspirants can look at the answer keys for their CDS written exam, here of paper-1st and paper-2nd with set-a, set-b, set-c, set-d.
CDSE paper consist of three different sections viz English, General Knowledge, Elementary Mathematics and each section consist of 100 marks. CDSE is conducted by UPSC twice every year. When comparing CDS 2 2013 from last CDS 1 2013, it was comparatively easier.
English: Comprehension passage, sentence formation etc were easy this time and English section is going to be the source of maximum marks for all candidates. Though, synonym and antonym were difficult this time. Overall, English paper was quite easier this time and most of the candidates might score well in it.
GK: GK was easier than last time, specially the questions from general science and civics, polity etc. But in totality, GK paper had the same standard like earlier. This section was the toughest of all and need lots of preparation to score well.
Maths: Maths questions were easy, again a good chances for scoring high marks for the candidates applying for AFA and IMA.
Overall the paper was good enough for the candidates who have done preparation beforehand. UPSC may declare the results of CDSE 2 2013 after four months. CDSE 2 2013 cut off may go up to 135 Marks for AFA, 120 marks for IMA, 95 for OTA and 105 for NA. Lets wait for the CDS 2 2013 answers key to come up from The Cavalier Coaching Institute for CDS-2 answer sheet 2013 and CDS 2 2013 cut off.
CDS 2 2013 Answer Key [ Updating]
So how was CDSE 2 2013 written experience ? Aspirants, please post your review and expected marks in the comment section below.
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Hey everyone! Does anyone know when UPSC will declare the written result of the CDS(II) 2013 Exam held this September 8th? The notification said it would “most likely” be declared in the month of December, but today’s the last day of December! I’ve been trying to call the UPSC’s Facilitation Counter phones but all my calls go unanswered. Any information about the same from you guys will be really helpful as I’m very anxious to know if I made it in. Thanks.
when is the expected date of results fr cds 2 2013 can any tel please ?
Adding English and GK, I am getting a score around 95. Will I get a call-letter from SSB? My only preference is OTA.
i have got aggregate 84 marks after minus marking……i have seen in the website that the last cds 2 2012 aggregate cut off marks was 76………so, can you clear me what will be the aggregate marks is required for cds exam……..
SIR I have made total 67 attempt in ENGLISH out of which 48 are correct(i.e 48/67) and 58 out of 69 in GK( i.e 58/69). Sir is there any chance to get call for SSB( for OTA)….please reply
i got exactly 50 in english 40 in maths and 26 in gk & my prefrences are 1-ima,2-na,3-ota what are my chances
sir let me clarify…..according to THE CAVALIER INSTITUTE 48 questions are correct out of 65 and according to THE GROUNDZERO INSTITUTE 54 QUESTIONS are correct out of 65 in ENGLISH
kya koi CDS 1 2013 ke cutoof janta hai
Gupta period me kis precious stone me trade hota tha? and SWARAJ kisne pehle use kiya tha political form mr???
total 77 aa raha hai cut karne ke bad….koi umeed
wats the difference between technical and ground duty…….
sir 46 are correct in ENGLISH and 57 correct in GK ………….kya koi ummed hai duur tak
umeed abhi baki hai mere dost
thank you brother
wish you good luck and all
thank you bhaisahab…..lets hope for the best
I am not sure but this delay in updating or not withdrawing the wrong answer key is alluding that u get some type of benefit from cavalier institute and please tell the visitors why u have written [UPDATING ] there if u are doing such lazy job out there. shame on ur blog shame on u defense aspirants VANDE MATARAM
This key is completely unreliable….. But we might have made some mistakes when checking the answers are some questions are debatable which ensures the quality of UPSC exams.
As per the key I got 104 for OTA.. That’s my first and only preference…
I am not sure if I will be able to make it in the merit list..
How is the final merit list prepared..
Is coaching preferred for SSB or would that give a fake appearance…
GUys who ahve already gone through the whole precedure please respond…
Thanks and regards,
Some of the answer swhich we are predicting to be right might have been wrong.. So the overall score would be somehow as per the key..
Thats what I meant……
ADMIN Sir When willl u update the wrong keys.please dont be lazy,
sir i have scored 135 marks shoud i qualify for ima ssb ??
Sir from. Urn answer key I got 135 marks.my preference Are ima na. Ota . Any chance For Ssb ? Please tell me sir.
u will definitely get the call
Admin please update the answer key
Admin When upsc will update the answer key n will it be updated before december?
for better answer keys log on here :
hello brother….Is GROUNDZEROINSTITUTE ENGLISH section answer is authenticate …..pls brother reply me……..as soon as possible
its not authentic but it is most reliable. authentic answer keys will be published by UPSC only after the final selection lists are published.
Hey guys i have scored 50 in english and 18 in GK… any chances for OTA??
sorry bro, not this time!
hmmmmm… thanks a lot bro…. 🙂 .. i hope next time
but does dat mean .. confirm no chance at all???
arey waisa nahi, but cds 2 2012 ke cut-offs ke anusar, you’re 8 marks short. And cut-offs kamne ka asaar bahut kam hain.
yaa i agree last tym 76 the…. hmm lezz hope fr da best .. thanks buddy 🙂 n all da best to u as well
you are very much in the buisness as far as what i predict though on the lower side
can anybody tell me when the result will declare ??
may be in feb or march month………..
i applied for ima and ota both, but i gave the exam of ota only i.e eng and gk only not maths in cds2 2013. so am i eligible for ota.
yes you are
sir 46 are correct in ENGLISH and 57 correct in GK ………….kya koi ummed hai duur tak
Plz tell is 125 marks is enough for ima ?
on the theshold
I am hoping to score nearly 80 marks, what are my chances for an OTA call? I am really nervous
i can say 70% chances .
thanks brother
A compound that is white solid which absorbs water vapour from the air is?? please tell the ans
calsium sulfate
sure?? or sodium carbonate?
Calcium sulphate for sure…CaSo4
sodium carbonate has the same physical properties as asked in the question. Not sure if it absorbs water from atmosphere
its sodium nitrate u can check ur answr on google also ……..
what r u saying guys………….ans. key wrong……thn where i get right ans. key……tell me guys at [email protected]……i wl be thnk ful to tht
Is125 enough for ima?
should be!
Getting125 approx any chances for ima…….
sir, i secured 110 marks in three subjects .
is there any chance for ssb? my prefernce is AFA,IMA,NA,OTA
bhai OTA aur IMA ke liye hai
hi! I have scored 35 in gk and 65 in english and my preference is only ota. am i going to get call or not?
Sir,, please have a look on this article then justify your answer key which say that voilet have higher wavelength than red.. In question no 50 set C
Yes i came across 6-7 answers in GK part which were wrong, Including this wavelength one. Also Angola is not landlocked, here they have given Zimbabwe.
Plz don’t post wrong answers
Plz don’t post wrong any key many mistakes………
i am getting 44 in English,34 in gk and 34 in maths..total =112 .Are there any chances of mine getting call in any category? Mt preferences are AFA,IMA,NA,OTA.
I am getting approx 30 in GK and 60 in English on the basis of my own estimation, will I get OTA call?
if your estimate is correct, then you’re in the hunt
It is 87.45 now, as per Cavelier answer key. What are my chances now for OTA ?
still in the hunt !
hey guys m getting around 107 marks ,,,,,,,,,,from above answer keys……….i hav opted for ima ,na and ota.can i get selected.pls reply
im expecting 55 in english and 45 in GK..can some one please tell me will i be able to through OTA
Why the answer key of set -d in maths is not given….????
In Answer Key of Mathematics Paper following given answers are of doubtful nature (Series- C) :–
2 ——->consider the following statements—–> surely(a)
17——> A can finish a work——->surely (a)
23 ——->if m and n are——–>surely (b)
and 44,49,62 are also confusing .
Admin sir please come up with correct answers
bro some answer are revised once again see it!!
2 answer is a no doubt
17 answer is a now
23 is c try reading that statement and apply in the question
44 49 is still wrong in the key but 62 is correct ie y^4=432x^2
49 answer has to be a
44 also i got a but not sure!!
how about 71 yaar did u get c and 74 also
23 —–> b 44 ——-> a 49———-> b 62 ———> a
arey yaar rhombus k diagonals equal nahi hotay they only bisect each other at 90 “and 23 i think u r rite, 44…….>a hai sure!!
yes u r right friend
for better answer keys log on here:
yes buddy its better but i founded 2-3 answers still wrong but its the best
key thanks !!i almost forgot this site !!thank u!!
sahir ludhianvi is widely acclaimed as people’s poet he was not an actor!!
and smoke is solid with liquid and gas this i saw in wikipedia!!
so how many marks u r getting ?
mere ko gk may 38 aaraha hai
english may 53 and maths may 58
eng +gk=91
eng +gk+maths =149
pref:ina ima ota
gud score in gk From where did u take coaching ?
no coaching yaar self study
gk k liye i took magzines of mahendra last six months
maths i studied frm arihant and english toh i did not study!!
In Answer Key of English Paper following given answers are of doubtful nature (Series- B) :–
1—–> Passage I—->the young man was well dressed because——>surely (d)
3——>passage I —->the young man moved away to the hosiery section—->may be (a)
10 —->passage III—->from the passage, which of the following ——->surely (a )
21—–>passage VI —–> why did the old soldier repeatedly tell that—–> surely (d)
25——> passage VII—> what was the actual reason for the organisers —-> may be (d)
75——>antonyms —>SLAKEN—-> surely (c)
95—–>ORDERING OF SENTENCE—->in 1739, nadir shah —–> surely(a)
and 90,97 ,100,105,115 are also confusing answers .
Admin sir please give satisfiable answers .
lots and lots of mistake in english paper
Post question numbers and the expected answers. so satisfiable key can be made
I am getting 18 in GK + 47 in english + 55 in maths = total 120
how much chances for AFA ?
and for IMA =?
Admin sir please profess about my fate
With 120, you’ll definitely get a call from INA. Can’t say about IMA as it’s a threshold score if we consider 2012 cut offs
In Answer Key of General Knowledge Paper following given answers are of doubtful nature (Series- B) :–
27–> HYdroelectric power stations and their locations cross matching question
51 in india tribal movements of nineteenth….
59 a person feeds on rice and vegetables made up of ….
66 Commision and their respective mandate —-> surely (a)
91 Saudi arab —->surely (a)
107 NNP—-> surely (c)
108 the value of money varies —->surely (d)
110 plastic 10 ruppes notes——-> surely (a)
Admin sir plese clarify and come up with satisfiable answers.
59 i think b
even 62 i guess is wrong, the ans may be MG ranade
i am expecting around 120 what are my chances for AFA, my prefernce order is AFA/IMA/NA, some one help me out ?
will i get a chance for atleast IMA/NA
tell individual marks
58 in eng, 44 in maths and 22 in gk, with 3 marks may be added
surely will get through for IMA but AFA call is doubtful
58 in eng, 44 in maths and 22 in gk
Iam getting around 88 marks (combined)gk and English and around 107 marks for ima … what are my chances … please tell ….
OTA call should be certain
brother mera 76 marks aa rha hai…kya koi ummed hai
I want to knw one thig…plz somebody tell ki ye jo ima ke lie cut off 120 likhi h…ye maths english gk milake total 300 may se 120 h ya kch or pattern h???
N also tell dat ki koi sectional cutoff b h kya…
I had attemped 34 in gk…75 in maths and 80 in english with 85% accuracy… What r my chances??????
Now you can download CDS 2 official answer key of SET A,B,C,D of English and Mathematics
official answer key of G.k. English and Maths paper answer key of set A,B,C,D SEE HERE
From where can I get the answer’s key?
Like i have taken 1.2 per correct ans and deducted as per d norm i.e 0.33%
Where is answer key?
you hv to take .83 per correct ans. 1.2 x 120 = 144 [max marks] which means you have given any other exam from rest of us..we hv given the one with 100 marks..
Are there sectional cut offs ? If yes ,would i be safe with a GK score of 35? Am getting overall score of 170 combining the 3 papers .
Good Score, all the best.
My eng is coming 86 and gs around 33,what are my chances of getting through¿
How do u calculated your score .?
Where are the answers ?
I attempted 78 ques where 10 are wrong and in g s i have blundered with 38. right answer and 40 wrong ans….now can nybdy tell me what are my chances for ota???
Instead of telling number of right and wrongs, calculate your marks and mention it
How muchdo we count for one correct answer?
For Eng and Gk ,0.83 per.correct answer and 0.28 deduction per mistake
R u sure . 28 , it says .33????
Brother , it says .33 of the assigned marks. When each question itself is assigned .83 then it’s one-third is appprox .28. But for maths paper , its the regular 1 mark for correct and .33 for wrong
my total marks is 100 out of 300..after calculating from above answer key..is there any chance for ima??
It will take some time.
Yup adding both the papers. 90 and it’s abouts should be the cut off this time around.
@sharanyaganguly:disqus yes u need to score 95 totally…indivisually u have to get minimum of 20% marks in both paper