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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended In CDSE Entry From 18 SSB Allahabad

Recommended In CDSE Entry From 18 SSB Allahabad

Hi, to all defence aspirants myself Senior Under Officer Sudhir Yadav of 63 up Bn. NCC and resident of Amethi. I did my schooling from Christ The King School Jagdishpur & Aditya Birla Public School Jagdishpur and graduation from Lucknow University. I am here to share my experience of how I got recommended again from 18 SSB Allahabad. Previously I was recommended for NDA 128 but got merit out and being a commerce student in class 12th I had to wait for 3 long years for my next attempt which was CDSE 2 2014 after clearing my written I was focused toward only one thing that was to get recommended again, when I got the call for SSB for OTA I got bit tensed to since I was allotted with selection centre east i.e. Allahabad since many of aspirants have declared it as rejection board rather than selection board.
When I went to Allahabad I found that in our batch we had 3 previously recommended candidate they were Sudhir Yadav (it was me), Ankur Baloda (who has mentioned his success story earlier on ssbcrack), Sandeep Kumar and here comes the biggest coincidence all of us from NDA 128 batch and were recommended from Bhopal. Even when I got screen in and I was allotted with chest no. 23 the same chest no. allotted 3 years back so more or less time was repeating itself.18 ssb allahabad ssb crack



I will directly come on PPDT. After getting seated comfortably, I did bit of meditation to make myself blank and more concentrated. I heard all the instruction given by officer and many of us also clarified their doubts.
The picture of shown to us was of a man and two women on his both side. I perceived man as a doctor since he was wearing a stethoscope; I mentioned one lady as wife of doctor and the other lady as sarpanch of village.
My story was about eradication of misconception in minds of budding girls and removed by cooperation of medical team, wife and sarpanch. at the time of storytelling I kept my story crunch and precise and was
able to sum up in 45-50 seconds without any disturbance from the panel during discussion we were distributed among group of 12 candidates, as the discussion started i kept calm, and after the first candidate who was completely deviated from topic I decided to make points which was common to all like background{rural in most of case}, profession of character{most of stories had doctor} sex and age of character …it was like immediately everyone agreed to me and I got the chance to make more impact but  I kept myself calm and after two three comments from other I made one more point that approach of doctor was of social upliftment or social service to  the society to my amusement some candidates declared that they agree to chest no. 33{it was me} and 31(it was Ankur Baloda) I made few more point and even agreed to few good stories and then we were asked to stop  and later result was declared.



Day 2 of ssb and all set for the psychology test I prepared myself mentally and even did bit of meditation in hall to remain calm composed.
TAT: TAT was the very first test we came across, I ensured of making good and crisp stories in stipulated time so that I should not leave any story incomplete. I was able to complete every story on time and
framed stories with ideas which came in my mind at very first.
WAT: I was able to do all the words of WAT and didn’t missed any of them and I ensured to not to use any preaching word and also made few sentences on DRDO and ISRO.
SRT: I was able to do 54 SRTS and tried to do by remaining in apathy mode rather sympathy mode and didn’t gave any idea which were superhero type. I gave crisp and realistic answers.
SDT: In SDT I gave what were views of my pal, family, and teachers about me and also gave my weakness honestly but mentioned only that weakness which can be overcome. So this was day one of the SSB and yes it was bit tiresome but yes it was the real test of mental strength.

DAY 3 : GTO 1
The day one of GTO started with the group discussion. I was able to do both GD with ease and I was bit lucky that my group behaved like real gentlemen and didn’t made a fish market rather than contradicting each other we complimented each other and avoided one to one clashes.
After GD we headed for our planning exercise and we were able to solve the plan in given time and I was the one who briefed the final plan to group.
We then went for our progressive task and were able to completed 3 of the task and I was also able to complete half group task. Then we went for our snake race and our group was really the one of the quickest one and we all coordinated very well and we were first to finish the task.

As the group task ended I was told that I will report in front of deputy for my interview.{i was completely exhausted but what has to be done is to be done} I reported and was given 5 min. to relax and have
water in the waiting room. I just mediated there and didn’t have water as it was lukewarm.
I opened the door and greeted the deputy and he asked me to sit down, he asked me if I want water then I said yes as water was cold and was much needed I drank half a glass and thanked him.
The very first question was how I am spending time and how is stay, I answered him and after making me completely comfortable he fired the question to which I was assured and that was my views on Amethi and Gandhi family connection. I told him the ground reality and he was quite satisfied with it.
he then asked a rapid fire about my schooling, college , teacher, subject, family, like dislike in one question later I was asked to which person I go in time of need and I replied it as my father, he countered me why I don’t go to my brother so rather than telling demerits of my brother  i told him qualities of my father.
he asked me about my friends and also asked girlfriend, he inquired me about my love life and my views on love and arrange marriages. He asked me to name my best friend and also why he is my best friend and what he wants to change in me and what would I change in him.
He later asked me about my friends and I told he later asked me to point out 2 demerits in my brother, sister, father, mother. I told him my mother is an over religious person so he pointed on the ring I was wearing he asked is that reason for wearing a ring. I told him that my sadhe satti is going and to satisfy my mother I am wearing it and have no problem with it.
He even asked me whether I am a religious person or not. I told him yes I am religious person as well as a rational person and don’t follow it blindly the next question was about ranks of navy, air force, I was almost prepared to tell army ranks but he asked  me insignia of brigadier and I told him.
The last question was from geography as I was asked to tell about all the coastal states of India with their capital.

DAY 4: GTO 2

Day two of GTO came and it was the real nightmare for me as I had injured left soldier but thanks to the motivation I got from my family
and my NCC battalion I was able to complete all the 10 obstacles though it really pained like hell when I did my tiger leap but no pain
no gain.
I completed my command task with ease though it was quite tricky and even GTO kept on increasing difficulty level. The final task we had was the FINAL GROUP TASK and it was very easy and we completed it very easily.ssb recommended cds entry
So the final day of SSB was the conference day. I was dressed like gentlemen and was prepared for the final clash and I was the last
person to go for the conference. I greeted everyone and the deputy asked me the very first question was how was my stay and I replied it as very good and he asked why it was very good so I replied I made new friends and even new habits like I was introduced to table tennis for first time , later he asked me how was the food and I said it was a good one, this time I was interrupted as deputy said that people are complaining about food and I am giving just opposite view, I told him that being out of home we were served healthy and hygienic food that was more than enough and primary task was to get food which gave us energy not enjoyment for tongue.


After the conference I was hoping to get recommended because the conference went smooth like butter and I was quite sure for myself and Ankur Baloda though we both were tense and shared common sentiments of stress and worry if at all we don’t get recommended. Ankur was concerned with his interview and I had concerns over PGT even at night we had a chat over this issue and we both had one aim in our eyes to catch the NDA 128 batch and it was only possible if we get through this.
To all of us surprise we had 7 of us which was a sort of record as stated by the officer and we also realised that because every other
batch had 1-3 recommendation while we had 7. So this was my all experience and I am going to join OTA in October
anyone who has any query can contact me on
[email protected]
ROLL NO-19525

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