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Written ExamsAFCATAFCAT 1 2017 Result OUT NOW - www.careerairforce.nic.in

AFCAT 1 2017 Result OUT NOW – www.careerairforce.nic.in

List of Candidates shortlisted from AFCAT 1/ 2017 held on 26 Feb 17 for the next phase of testing at Air Force Selection Boards (AFSBs) is annexed. Based on the induction requirements of the IAF, performance of candidates in AFCAT as well as statistics of reporting and success rates at AFSBs, the cut off marks for AFCAT 1/ 2017 is 150/ 300 for AFCAT and 60/ 150 for EKT. Only those candidates who have cleared both AFCAT and EKT will be considered for Technical Branch. All candidates may login to their account to view their individual AFCAT/ EKT Marks.


Candidates whose AFCAT Numbers figure in the list are required to login to their account and select the venue and date for further testing at one of the Air Force Selection Boards (AFSBs). The last date for selection of AFSB venue and date is 17 Apr 17.

Candidates are required to print the Call up Letter and associated forms from the website and report to their selected venue along with AFCAT Admit Card, Call Up letter, documents as listed in the Call Up letter & associated forms duly filled. Candidates are advised to take a print out of call up letter and associated forms immediately after selecting date and venue of AFSB.

Shortlisted candidates who fail to select their AFSB schedules by 17 Apr 17 would be allotted their AFSB batches by the IAF by 21 Apr 17.


1. All candidates are required to carefully read and follow the General Instructions available on www.careerairforce.nic.in before reporting to AFSB.

2. Candidates who have applied only for Flying Branch are to select 1 AFSB (Dehradun), 2 AFSB (Mysore) or 4 AFSB (Varanasi) as their AFSB centre.

3. Airmen candidates who have appeared for SSB for less than six times should only select 5 AFSB (Kancharapara) as SSB venue. No batches are planned at 5 AFSB after 03 JUN 2017. Contact JDPO-3(A/B) Air HQ (VB) for clarification.

Check AFCAT 1 2017 result


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Best Book To Crack SSB


Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
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So many candidates are asking for the AFCAT 1 2016 written exam result which was conducted by the Indian air force in Feb 2016 for the flying, GDOC and technical branches of the IAF. Candidates who have attended the AFCAT and EKT 2016 written exam successfully can check their AFCAT 1 2016 result today on SSBCrack. Yes, Indian air force has published the result of AFCAT 1 2016 on 1st April 2015. So, the result of AFCAT 2016 and EKT 2016 can be online at any time.

List of Candidates shortlisted from AFCAT 1/ 2016 held on 21 Feb 16 and 13 Mar 16 for the next phase of testing at Air Force Selection Boards (AFSBs) is annexed. Based on the induction requirements of the IAF, performance of candidates in AFCAT as well as statistics of reporting and success rates at AFSBs, the cut off marks for AFCAT 1/ 2016 is 132/ 300 for AFCAT and 52/ 150 for EKT. Only those candidates who have cleared both AFCAT and EKT will be considered for Technical Branch. All candidates may login to their account to view their individual AFCAT/ EKT Marks.

To crack SSB interview,  recommend you to get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” book from Amazon.

Shortlisted candidates who fail to select their AFSB schedules by 10 Apr 16 would be allotted their AFSB batches by the IAF by 14 Apr 16.


1. All possible precautions have been taken while preparing the AFCAT results. However, the IAF reserves the right to rectify inadvertent errors, if any.

2. The IAF reserves the right to review the cut off marks, if necessary, in order to meet its induction requirements.

Check Your AFCAT 1 2016 Result Here

NOTE 1. All candidates are required to carefully read and follow the General Instructions available on www.careerairforce.nic.in before reporting to AFSB.

2. Candidates who have applied only for Flying Branch are to select 1 AFSB (Dehradun), 2 AFSB (Mysore) or 4 AFSB (Varanasi) as their AFSB centre.

3. Airmen candidates who have appeared for SSB for more than six times should NOT (R) NOT select 5 AFSB (Kancharapara) as SSB venue. If unable to, contact JDPO-3(A/B) Air HQ (VB).

Candidates whose AFCAT Numbers figure in the list are required to login to their account and select the venue and date for further testing at one of the Air Force Selection Boards (AFSBs). The last date for selection of AFSB venue and date is 10 Apr 16. Candidates are required to print the Call up Letter from the website and report to their selected venue along with Call Up letter, AFCAT Admit Card and other documents as listed in the Call Up letter. Candidates are advised to take a print out of call up letter immediately after selecting date and venue of AFSB.

In this article, we are going to share how and where you can check the AFCAT 1 2016 result.

AFCAT Cut Off Marks 2017 – 2011 Previous Years

Exam Year Cut Off Marks
AFCAT 1 2011 85
AFCAT 2 2011 88
AFCAT 1 2012 135
AFCAT 2 2012 143
AFCAT 1 2013 144
AFCAT 2 2013 116
AFCAT 1 2014 128
AFCAT 2 2014 123
AFCAT 1 2015 126
AFCAT 2 2015 144
AFCAT 1 2016 Not Yet Declared
AFCAT 2 2016 148
AFCAT 1 2017 150

AFCAT 2016 Exam Question Paper Pattern

  1. General Awareness – History, Sports, Geography, Environment, Civics, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Current Affairs, Politics etc.
  2. Verbal Ability in English – Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary.
  3. Numerical Ability – Decimal Fraction, Simplification, Average, Profit & loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple interest.
  4. Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test – Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability.

AFCAT 1 2016 SSB Interview Date

  • Once  you check your marks and pass the AFCAT 1 2016 written exam you will get an option to choose your SSB interview date and AFSB centre.
  • Select the appropriate AFSB interview date as you can’t change it once selected.
  • To select your AFSB / SSB interview date, go to www.careerairforce.nic.in and login with your credentials.

AFCAT 1 2017 SSB Interview Process

  1. So now you have everything done, time to pack your bag for AFSB interview. Do remember you have to carry all the educational documents in original including AFCAT 1 2016 hall ticket/admit card and AFSB Interview 2016 call letter.
  2. You are required to report at the venue as mentioned in your call up letter.
  3. Candidates will be going through a small document clearance which mostly consist of AFCAT hall ticket and AFSB interview call letter. Candidates having less than 60% or any backlog will be filtered out.
  4. Later candidates will go through QIR Test and PPDT which are part of the screening test.
  5. Once the PPDT is over, candidates will be getting their results within two hours.
  6. Candidates who will clear the screening test will stay back for 5 days AFSB interview.

How to Check AFCAT 1 2017 Result and Marks

  1. Visit www.careerairforce.nic.in by clicking on candidates login button at the bottom right.
  2. Enter you username and password.
  3. Now you can check the AFCAT 1 2017 cut off marks [official] and marks secured by you.
  4. Candidates who have secured more marks than cut off can click on ‘Generate Admit Card’.
  5. Then the candidate is required to select a convenient AFSB centre and interview date out of the given dates.
  6. Select your AFSB centre and interview date because every centre has some limited number of seats on a particular date which will be assigned on first come first serve basis.

AFCAT 1 2017 Merit List

AFCAT 1 2017 merit list will be coming in December one month before the date of course commencement. Candidates who will clear the AFSB interview of AFCAT 1 2016 and then the medical exams will be listed on the merit. Clearing AFSB SSB interview and medical test won’t guarantee the selection for the training, as we have seen in the merit list of AFCAT 12017. So the competition is tough, what matters is your performance in AFCAT written exam and AFSB interview.

To crack SSB interview,  recommend you to get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” book from Amazon.

AFCAT 1 2017 Result

APPLY For AFCAT 2 2017

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