Mysore is the venue of AFSB 2 and has recommended many Air Force aspirants. The kind of interview questions asked there is almost same as other SSB, which is based on the PIQ and basics of the candidates and revolves around the personal aspects of the candidates. But some exceptionally asked questions in Mysore SSB are as follows.
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- How are you feeling on this SSB center, distant from your city?
- Why are candidates always attracted to Air Force and preferentially to flying branch?
- What is the ranking of Indian Air Force in world lists?
- Suggest me some ways to improve your city/ district.
- What were the preparations that you have done before appearing in this SSB?
- Mysore is one of the cities known for the ancient heritage and culture. What do you know about Mysore?
- In your opinion, what are the shortcomings in SSB’s selection procedure?
- What did you learn here in the last few days?
- Tell me 5 major problems of India.
- Tell me 5 top military deals of India with other nations.
- How will you compare your district with Mysore?
- Why did you choose this center for SSB? (AFCAT candidates)
- What is the difference in the duties of administration, flying and technical group of Air Force?
- What is your opinion about the starving officer’s count in the Armed forces?
- How will you rate your performance in this attempt?
Additional Questions from 2 AFSB Mysore
- Tell about yourself?
- Tell about your best friend?
- How many of your friends have attended SSB? Didn’t you motivate them?
- If I ask your best friend about you, what would he say?
- Tell about someone who was your friend and later became an enemy, why, how did you solve?
- Do you smoke/drink, have a girl friend? Do your parents know about this? If you don’t drink – your best friends invite you to a party in a bar, will you go or not? If you say No – they are your best friends, won’t you give them company?
- When was the last time you cried, why?
- List your activities on a Sunday?
- Why does the moon have phases?
- Who is your favorite teacher? Why?
- Which teacher do you hate the most? Why?
- Which route is INS Vikramaditya taking to India after the refit?
- Why is Brahmos named so?
- If you are commissioned as a Fighter Pilot and you have an option to choose one from the list of fighter air crafts, which one would you choose, why?
- Tell about your hometown, what is famous there?
- Who is your role model? Why?
- Who is the current Chief of Army/Airforce/Navy?
- Who is your GTO?
- Rank yourself in your group? Why do you think so?
- How was your stay? Do you have any suggestions?
- What is your salary per month? List your expenditures and savings?
- Why do you want to quit your current job and join the IAF?
- If you do not get Flying branch, will you join Technical or Ground duty?
- If not IAF, what is your plan B?
- Did you try Army/Navy? Why not?
- What do you know about IAF?
- Name few air crafts currently being used?
- Name the aircraft indigenously developed in India?
- Negative feedback you have received from your manager?
- How did you prepare yourself for the SSB? Did you go for a coaching class?
- If you are a repeater, why did not you qualify last time? How did you improve this time?
- Did you go out to visit places in Mysore? What all did you see?
- What are your hobbies?
Conclusion – These questions have been recently asked in AFSB Mysore. All aspirants who have decided to opt Mysore as their SSB center should go through these questions and practice it. Stay aware of your district and keep some basic knowledge of Mysore before going to SSB.

Best SSB Book –> Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best Psych Book –> Breaking The Code of SSB Psych
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
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