In a heartwarming interaction, Lt Gen Ajai Kumar Singh, the Army Commander, recently met with Lt Aniket Sahadev Kumbhar, son of retired Lance Naik Sahadev Namadev Kumbhar, a distinguished Ex-Serviceman. Lt Aniket has been recently commissioned into the 11th Gorkha Rifles, a significant milestone in his military career.
During the ceremony, Lt Aniket chose a poignant gesture to honor his late friend, Pratham Mahale, who had tragically lost his life during NDA training.
To commemorate his dear friend, Lt Aniket decided to be pipped by Pratham’s parents, an act that deeply touched everyone present.
Lt Gen Ajai Kumar Singh lauded Lt Aniket for his profound tribute to Pratham Mahale, highlighting the deep bonds of camaraderie and sacrifice that define the spirit of the armed forces.
The Army Commander extended his heartfelt congratulations to the young officer, celebrating his commissioning into the esteemed 11th Gorkha Rifles. This gesture not only underscores the valor and memory of those who serve but also inspires the spirit of unity and honor within the military community.