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SSBCrackIndividual Obstacles Tasks (IOT)

Individual Obstacles Tasks (IOT)

Individual Obstacles Tasks (IOT) These outdoor tasks are carried out on the second day of GTO. Overall this is the individual performance assessing day for each candidate except the Final Group Task which is a group task.The individual task consists of 10 obstacles laid in a typical fashion.The 10 obstacles are numbered and the same marks are assigned to the respective task.A minimum of all tasks should be performed in a span of 3 mins. and if time is left any other task can be gone over again.

It is not necessary to start the tasks from 1st , but it is left to the wish of the candidate where does he
want to start from.
Try to obtain 74 points ,that is, one round = 55 +9+10 = 74
The obstacles are
1. Difficult jump. (Jump over a small slide from the opposite side.)
2. Long jump. (jump across a 6 ft.* 3ft. drum.)
3. Zig – Zag Balance (walk over a zig-zag balance and complete I and land properly.)
4. High Screen jump ( jump over a slide and over a screen placed on it and land properly.)
5. Burma bridge (walk across a structure of rope tied between two ends of post carefully. Climb form
any side and climb down from other side.)
6.Tarzan swing ( While taking the leap fold your body and legs and leave the rope at the instant where
you feel it would be accurate for you to jump and cross the line.)
7. Monkey Jump (Climb on a big staircase structure and jump on the land safely.)
8. Double Ditch 8ft.*3ft. and 4ft.*3ft..(cross the 1st ditch with the help of a rope and the second one
with ease ,just by proper leg work..)
9. Commando walk (walk from any side up and down from another, maintain balance..)
10. Tiger leap (walk up a podium, leap and catch hold of a rope, count 1001,1002 and start coming down,don’t come rushing down , but do it step by step.)
The best way of doing this is to follow this sequence:
10, 9, 8, 4, 6, 7, 1, 2, 5, 3.

Or if not possible make circular arrangement on seeing the placement of obstacles at the same day itself, but do it fast.
A prior practice of climbing and running is necessary to enhance your performance.
Duration 3 mins. per candidate, 35-40 mins. overall.

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  1. Admin…when i had gone for ssb last time..i felt most problem in gto task bcoz of some curious activities like picking the bomb by using provided materials n all…how tp practice for them…

  2. @Hitaiksah Some times GTO keep difficulty obstacles as mandatory for girl. You do if you can do it else it doesn’t matter. But what ever the obstacle you are tackling, it must be in easiest , clever and safe way.

  3. @Hitaiksha There is no right and wrong, you can attempt all and there is possibility that if you do only 4 you will get recommend and also if you 20 you may not get recommend. Its just to check how strong you are physical and how do you tackle the obstacles .

  4. @ admin
    y they keep 2 non mandatory obstcles?? during my ssb GTO kept obstcle no 10 n no 8 as non mandatory and he told that that mark will be counted so, i dint attempt those..i did right or wrong??

  5. Thanks for comment ADMIN, but I felt some problem in Verbal Communication. As far as my confidence is concern , it’s fine… but sometime I stammer in b/w the sentences. Sir, please give me some suggestion as well as practices to remove and improve it.


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