Hi, my name is Manoj Kumar and I got recommended in my 4th attempt from 11 SSB Allahabad. Before sharing my SSB success story I would like to tell you all something about me. I am a B.com graduate and presently staying in Bangalore from 7 years, basically I am from Uttrakhand. My grandfather and father were part of this prestigious organization but I will be the first commissioned officer from my family in Indian Army. My first attempt was in Bhopal and I was conference out, in my 2nd and 3rd attempt I was screened out due to my lack of participation in group discussion (what I felt). This was my 4th attempt and I finally cracked SSB. So, this is my 5 days experience at Allahabad.
Day 1 Screening
We were 107 candidates who reported on 31st July 2013 for 11 SSB, 3 among us were recommended candidates and maximum candidates were repeaters, I was given chest no 79 for screening, 2 of my friends were also there in my batch from Bangalore. Next day was our intelligence test followed by PPDT, I attempted all the verbal and non verbal questions and in story we were shown a hazy picture where a gentleman was walking with a bag in his hand with a lady besides her on the footpath. I wrote a story on an accident and made the male character as my hero. Everyone narrated their story well because we were in repeater’s group and In group discussion our group was divided into two parts and after that discussion went smooth where maximum candidates got chance to speak at least twice. I spoke at least 3 to 4 times and my group accepted almost half of my story. Now it was the time for results and I was accepting my number at the same time I was thinking about my best friend (chest no 77) who could not able to take part in GD, but he narrated his story well. Results came and they called our numbers in random order and I was given a new chest number 24 and my best friend also got screened in and he got the chest number 23. Total 40 candidates were selected for 2nd stage.
Day 2 Psychology
Next day was psychological test, first test was TAT where 12 pictures (11 clear and 1 blank) were shown to us and I completed all the story on given time. I made the actionable stories on short term goals and in blank story I wrote about blood donation camp which we organized during our college days.
In WAT I completed all the 60 words, I wrote the first thought whatever came to my mind.
In SRT I did only 37 reactions and I was making sure that I write the same response for similar kind of situations and does not show them that I am not a balanced personality.
In SD I gave the answers of all the five questions in given time, and wrote 1-2 negative points about me and also gave the measures how I am trying to overcome them.
Day 3 GTO Day 1
3rd day was GTO first day and we were divided into 4 groups, each group having 10 candidates, our GTO was colonel. First activity of the day was Group Discussion where we were given 2 topics and we choose the 1st topic which was about Telangana issue and pros and cons of dividing the states. 2nd GD topic was given by GTO sir was about responsible for women harassment. I spoke only 2-3 times in each GD, chest no 21 who was recommended previously spoke continuously throughout the GD.
Next activity was Group Planning Exercise where we were shown a table model map and we had to identify some problem and solve them with the help of group. Everyone had the same priorities of problems and everyone contributed their thoughts in discussion, chest no 26 gave our group plan.
Then it was the time for Progressive Group Task and GTO sir already told us that he does not want Dara Singh idea and need a firm idea where we can cross the obstacles easily. When we completed 3 obstacles GTO stopped us, I made sure that I contribute my ideas in every obstacle.
In Half Group Task we were divided in odd even numbers. We completed our task within 2 mins chest number 22 gave 2 ideas and I gave 1 idea in HGT.
Next task was Group Obstacle Race and all the teams completed at same time or we can say that our GTO’s made us wait so that other teams does not lack behind.
Then it was the time for lecturette and I spoke about Google for 3 mins.
Our Individual Obstacle happened on the first day around 12 noon, it was very humid and hot outside and maximum done by me and chest no 22 was 11 obstacles.
Day 4 GTO Day 2Â
On GTO 2nd day we were left with only 2 tasks Command task and Final Group Task. In Command Task GTO sir called us in random order and I was called by 6 commanders as a subordinate to help them in their task and I completed my command task in 2-3 mins.
Next was Final Group Task in this task GTO sir did not turn out with pen and file. I knew that GTO had already made his mind about selecting the particular candidates.
My interview happened on the 3rd day after my GTO first day got over. Chest no 22, 23 and me (24) were called immediately after ground task, we even did not get time to change our dresses. I waited for more than 1 hour and 30 mints before interview. My interview lasted for around 30 mins.
My interview was taken by DY President, his rank was Colonel. First he asked about the place I am coming from i.e. about Bangalore and then after some questions he started his first rapid fire question in that he asked me starting from my 10th standard percentage onwards till my graduation percentage, why I got less marks in 10th standard, why I opted for commerce after my 10th class, what was the problem I faced when I moved from J&K to Bangalore after my 10th, which was the subject I liked the most and which I did not like and why, which teacher I liked most and which I hated most and why, how many friends I have and which qualities I admire in them and which qualities they like about me, which were the roles and responsibilities I held during my school and college days, positions and achievements I have achieved in past, etc. Total of 18-22 questions were asked in one stretch and I did not answer 3-4 questions. Then he repeated those questions again and I answered them.
Next rapid fire was about my previous organization where I had worked for more than 18 months and about my preparation for SSB before coming to Allahabad. In this he asked 10-12 questions and I answer about 9-10. This time interviewing officer did not repeat those 2-3 questions I could not answer. Then he asked me my mistakes I did in my previous attempts and my strong and weak qualities (I said exactly same thing what I had written in my psychology).
My interview was overall satisfactory and I was disappointed because I could not answer all the questions in rapid fire. After coming out from interview room I prepared for all the questions which I could not answer in interview.
Day 5 Conference Day
They started conference from last chest no in a reverse order. When chest no 25 came out from the conference hall, I was sitting outside in a chair and they took almost 15 min before calling me in. I was prepared for the situations (because I thought they are going to ask some SRTs). After getting inside the conference room, first questions which was asked to me by my IO was-
Manoj what exactly were you thinking outside the conference hall? (Nothing came to my mind at that moment and I directly said) Sir, I was thinking about the situations which could be possibly asked to me. Then he (my IO) asked what situation you are expecting? I told them some situation which were asked to my friends during their conference and gave the solution to them. Then he asked me what I spoke in lecturette and 2-3 more questions which I forgot to answer during my interview. Lastly he asked me some formal questions and told me to keep doing the hard work.
At last when the result came I was one among the five candidates who got selected to join the best government organization of India and that was the best moment of my life.
 Friends at last I have fulfilled my dream and my merit list is out. I am joining OTA on 5th Oct 2013.

congrats …….:-)
Manoj can you give me little idea about wat
What type of line should we write i always get confused with the line i shoud write
Bec in yr mind u get 2-3 type line
congo :-):-)
congratulations………..please give me the guidance how to perform in ssb(bcz my ssb date in on 19th october)
just be yourself and give your best short.
Ur true gem bro u deserve this god bless u n keep in touch
congrats lieutenant Manoj Kumar…….wish you a very happy and prosperous future ahead……….