Written exam of CDS-1-2014 was conducted by UPSC on 09th Feb 2014. Candidates who have written CDSE 1 2014 must be waiting for CDS 1 2014 answer keys and cut off marks. Through CDS 1 2014 candidates will join the course commencing in Jan 2015 for admission to the Army, Air Force wings and Navy. Course like IMA 138th Course, SSC 101th, 13th OTA,197th Flying Course and Naval Academy. Candidates looking for CDS 1 2014 Key and cut off marks, Paper solution sheet, CDS key 2014, CDS 1 2014 Cut Off Marks / answer sheet of CDS-1 2014 can check it on SSBCrack. Aspirants can look at the answer keys for their CDS written exam, here of paper-1st and paper-2nd with set-a, set-b, set-c, set-d.
CDSE 1 2014 includes three different papers i.e English, Maths and General Knowledge for IMA, AFA and NA. For OTA candidates there were only two papers i.e. English and General Knowledge. CDSE is conducted by UPSC twice every year. When comparing CDS 1 2014 from last CDS 2 2013, it was comparatively easier.

English: Like always, English papers was the easiest one and one can score maximum marks from this papers. Comprehension passage, sentence formation, antonyms etc were easy this time. Overall, English paper was a piece of cake this time and most of the candidates might score well in it.
GK: Need not to say, there will very few who like the hardness of GK papers. Though few general questions were easy but overall it was a tough nut to crack.
Maths: Maths questions were easy, again a good chances for scoring high marks for the candidates applying for AFA and IMA.
Overall the paper was good enough for the candidates who have done preparation beforehand. UPSC may declare the results of CDSE 1 2014 after four months. CDSE 1 2014 cut off may go up to 141 Marks for AFA, 122 marks for IMA, 95 for OTA and 118 for NA. Lets wait for the CDS 1 2014 answers key to come up from The Cavalier Coaching Institute for CDS-1 answer sheet 2014 and CDS 1 2014 cut off.
CDS 1 2014 Answer Key [ Updating]
So how was your CDSE 1 2014 written experience? Aspirants, please post your review and expected marks in the comment section below.
*We will be updating keys very soon
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