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Question PaperAFCATAFCAT Previous Question Papers 2011- 2019

AFCAT Previous Question Papers 2011- 2019 [Solved]

AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) which is conducted by Indian Air Force twice every year. IAF takes care of AFCAT from preparing a question paper to publishing the result. IAF official website careerairforce.nic.in has published all AFCAT exam previous question papers from 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. IAF stopped giving AFCAT question papers to candidates after a controversy happened in 2016.  Candidates who are looking for AFCAT previous question papers since 2011 till 2019 can download the ebooks linked below.


In this ebook you will get all questions papers including memory based question papers from recent exams for which the papers are not available publically.  AFCAT previous papers are helpful for one who is preparing for AFCAT exam in 2018 2019.

How To Prepare from AFCAT Previous Question Paper

  1. The best way of preparing for AFCAT is through previous question papers, if you look at few papers from last year, you will find the same type of questions coming since then.
  2. AFCAT Maths and Military aptitude can be prepared well from previous question papers, all papers have the same type of questions and it is easy to guess what to prepare and what not to.
  3. You just need to solve all AFCAT previous question papers if you want to clear AFCAT. If you do not have time, just solve these papers and clear the exam.

AFCAT Previous Question Papers 2011- 2017 Download

AFCAT Exam Pattern

The Air Force Common Admission Test will consist of 100 questions and each question will be of three marks. So total marks for all questions will be 300. As far as negative marking is concerned, there is one-third negative marking in AFCAT exam. For every wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted as penalty.


AFCAT paper has 4 sections:

  1. General Awareness
  2. Verbal Ability
  3. Numerical Ability
  4. Reasoning & Military Aptitude Test

There will be Multiple Choice Based Questions of 3 marks each. The candidates will be penalized in the form of deduction of 1 marks for every wrong answers attempted by them. Three wrong answers will take away one correct answer.

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  1. pls upload the answer keys plzzzz


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