AFCAT 2 2019 Question Paper – Questions and Answer 24 & 25 August 2019: AFCAT 2 2019 was conducted online conducted on 24th and 25th August in shift 1 and 2. We have collected a few questions from AFCAT 2 2019 question paper and we thank all the aspirants and our readers who have taken time to submit these AFCAT 2 2019 Questions. Candidates can go through AFCAT 2 2019 questions and answers, we will keep updating this post as and when we get more questions from AFCAT 2 2019. We request aspirants to submit the questions in the comment section below. You will find AFCAT 2 2019 English Maths GK and Aptitude Question Papers and answer from them from shit-1 and shit-2.
AFCAT 2 2019 Questions and Answer Key (Updating): Questions are collected from the aspirants and these are memory-based questions from AFCAT 2 2019 Maths, English, GK and Reasoning shift -1 and shift 2
Q1. How many overs are there in the 1st Powerplay?
Q2. Who is the author of Life of Pie?
Q3. Who is considered the father of Indian revolutionary ideas?
Q4.Who was the First Governor-General India?
Q5. Which line passes through the Australian Subcontinent?
Q6. Who is known as Bradman of Women’s Cricket?
Q7. Which Female athlete won Gold in 2014 CWG in Weightlifting (48 Kg)? Q8. Which satellite is being launched by NASA to Mars in 2020?
Q9. In which Upanishad is Satyamev Jayate?
Q10. “CANT” is related to which sport?
Q11.Choose the odd one out: Albatross–Penguin—Ostrich–Pelican
Q12. Who is the Winner of UEFA 2019?
Q13. Who is the Writer of Padmavat?
Q14. Name of ISROs Space Program with the highest number of Satellites.
Q15. Oldest Veda
Q1. How many overs are there in the 1st Powerplay?
Q2. Who is the author of Life of Pie?
Q3. Who is considered the father of Indian revolutionary ideas?
Q4.Who was the First Governor-General India?
Q5. Which line passes through the Australian Subcontinent?
Q6. Who is known as Bradman of Women’s Cricket?
Q7. Which Female athlete won Gold in 2014 CWG in Weightlifting (48 Kg)? Q8. Which satellite is being launched by NASA to Mars in 2020?
Q9. In which Upanishad is Satyamev Jayate?
Q10. “CANT” is related to which sport?
Q11.Choose the odd one out: Albatross–Penguin—Ostrich–Pelican
Q12. Who is the Winner of UEFA 2019?
Q13. Who is the Writer of Padmavat?
Q14. Name of ISROs Space Program with the highest number of Satellites.
Q15. Oldest Veda
(Choose nearest to the given word)- 1. Allegiance.
Ans.- loyalty.
2. Abash
Ans.- distress, ashamed.
3. Altruism.
Ans.- selflessness
(Choose opposite to the given word)- 1. Adroit.
Ans.- foolish/incompetent
2. Vague:
Ans.- Clear
Odd one out:
Plethora: abundance: scanty: surfeit(not sure)
(Choose nearest to the idiom):
1.To bury the hatchet.
Ans: to make peace with the enemy
2. Strain every nerve.
First indian gov general of free india?
capital of Bolivia
Metal used in making boat?
Metal used for making aeroplane parts
First governor general of independent india?
Lady don bradman ?
oldest veda? first player to get padma vibhushan? author of story of pi? satyamevjayte is taken from? ozone depletion is due to ? boat is made of which metal?
Founder of INA
Radioactivie metal used to treat cancer?
First battle of Panipat
Kamaljeet sandhu won medal in which sports event ??
Father of revolutionary thoughts
author of padmavat
Who wrote Argumentive Indians….Shri Sardar singh related to which sports….metal used in Aeroplane….highest peak of Africa….who demanded pakistan….Upnishads’ idea….5000 surface to surface ballistic missile by drdo….how many overs by one bowler in T20….1st women champion of Wimbledon….mogadishu capital. …designer of tajmahal…..gatway of india in formed in which style…. grt old man of india….1st battle of panipat…
Author of life of pi?
2024 summer Olympics venue
Which is the oldest religious book?
Radioactive elememt used in cancer treatment
Sri sardar Singh is associated with which sport
Maximum no. Of overs by a single bowler allowed in a T20 match
Taj Mahal designer
Great old man of India
Number of satellites lunched together by India?
Author of argumentative Indian
5000 km. Range surface to surface missile
First sportsman’s to receive padma vibhushna?
Powerplay overs in the t20 cricket?
Which lattitude passes through Australia
Theme of Upnishads
Pituitary: brain:: thymus :??
Find the odd one out A. Albatross B. Ostrich C. Pelican D. Penguin
Gabbar kidnapped Basanti and placed him a tunnel which has a length of 500 m. He tied her from 200 m distance from one side. Veeru heroically saved Basanti and at the same time a train was approaching the tunnel. They ran at a speed of 10m/s to the nearer end and missed the collision very closely. Find the speed of the train.
Marshall, Randy and Roger has some coins. Marshall’s 5 times coin is equal with Randy’s 8 times coin. Marshall’s 8 times coin is equal with Roger’s 5 times coin. Find the minimum coin the three have in total.
A seller says he sells goods at 10% loss , but he actually uses the wrong measuring scale and gains 15%.what is the length of scale?
Someone borrowed 7000 at some interest rate for 3 years and after 3 years he again borrowed 3000 with same rate . If he end up giving simple interest of 4615 after 8 years then what was his interest rate ?
A boat goes downstream from point A to point B then to point c (which is midway between A and B) ,find the distance between A and B if speed of boat in still water is 16kph and that of stream is 4 kph ?
A man earn a commission at 10%. When he sells product of value more than 20k ,he earns bonus of extra 5%, if he earned 2600 commission , find bonus amount.
Alok office 100km from his home . Once he started late from his home by 1 hour . He increased his speed by 5kph and reached office on time, find his changed speed.
A man daily goes to temple which is 4km away from his home at a speed of 4kph. Once he decided to take his dog with him . The dog reached the temple and returned back to his owner then turn back again and ran towards temple ,this goes on and on. Find the distance covered by dog in the direction of temple if the speed of dog is 8kph.
A train has 10 compartments and no 2 compartments have same no. Of passengers . Average of passengers is 15or 18 (not sure) . And no compartments has no. Of passengers more than the average no. Except compartments ten. Find no. Of passengers in 10th compartment.
General knowledge questions:1)Capital of colombia:bogota2)WHO Headquartered: geneva3)ghiyasuddin tughlaq nick nm: ghazi malik4)which dynasty established kailash temple ellora caves MH Built by :Rashtraqutas krishna -15)father of geometry: Euclid6)How many medals have been won by Micheal Phelps: 287)Which text of the Vedas refers to Medicine? Atharvaved8)Which cricketer reached fastest 10000 runs in ODI? Virat bhaisab9)Duckworth Lewis” is related to which game? Cricket10)Who was the founder of Mughal dynasty? Babur11)The Khilafat Movement was merged with which movement? Non Cooperation movement 12)What is the distance between the stumps in cricket? 9inches overall including gaps.13)Who rejected the Muslim League’s demand for Pakistan:cabinet mission 14)Which book was authored by Vikram Seth? :A Suitable Boy15)Which lines run parallel to the equator? latitude 16)Who Invented Electricity? Benjamin Franklin 17)Which gas results in Brown Cloud Atmosphere? NO218)Sun occupies how much percentage of area? 99.98% 19)Which of the following a non-ferrous element? Copper 20)Which Desert is not located in Asia out of sahara, thar, gobi and…
Candidates who are looking for AFCAT 2 2019 answer keys and AFCAT 2 2019 official cut off marks can refer to the links below:
- AFCAT 2 2019 Answer Keys [All Sets]
- AFCAT 2 2019 Official Cut Off Marks
- AFCAT 2 2019 Expected Cut Off Marks
Many Indian Air Force aspirants will be attending AFCAT 2 2019 online exam across the country. SSBCrack wishes all the aspirants for the success in their exam. Candidates who are new to AFCAT can download the AFCAT 2019 question papers with answers attached in the article. These AFCAT previous questions will help you get an idea about the questions you will be facing in the AFCAT online exam.
AFCAT 2019 Questions
AFCAT 2 2019 Online Exam Pattern

- SSB Interview eBook Pack
- Thematic Apperception Test – TAT
- Lecturette Topics Part-1 eBook [100 Topics]
- Word Association Test – WAT
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