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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceI Got Recommended For The 3rd Time In A Row- NDA, AFCAT,...

I Got Recommended For The 3rd Time In A Row- NDA, AFCAT, CDSE

I Got Recommended For The 3rd Time In A Row- NDA, AFCAT, CDSE. It was going to be my third attempt at SSB interviews with the previous two being for NDA-128 and AFCAT at 20 SSB Bhopal and 1AFSB Dehradun respectively. I was recommended for both of them and was medically unfit in eyes for NDA and was not able to submit my graduation documents for AFCAT on time.
With the experiences of the previous attempts, I was confident enough this time as well. I reported at Allahabad Jn railway station on 29 May 2015 with 32 other candidates.106 of us in total were called upon that day, but the turnout was really surprising. I was allotted chest number 32.
After some documentation on the day of reporting I spent my day interacting with other candidates.


I woke up early, shaved and got ready with a light coloured shirt and dark blue trousers along with a tie.
The Verbal and non-verbal testing was really easy and you can do it without much preparation.
We were then shown a picture for PPDT. The picture was almost clear and in it were three characters …2 of them were women and the male character was dressed like a doctor.All you have to do in PPDT is write positive stories and they should be meaningful as well. There is a belief that the repeater groups create rush and ruckus during GDs but ours was a very nice group and we were able to do a good discussion over the picture. Guys all you have to do during the discussion is that speak relevant points 3-4 times during the discussion in a very clear and crisp tone so that everyone from the group listens to your points.
The results of the screening tests were announced and 24 of us got screened in out of a total 33 candidates. My new chest number now was 21.

I Got Recommended For The 3rd Time In A Row- NDA, AFCAT, CDSE

Again, today I woke up early and got dressed up like a gentleman like the previous day and was all set for the tests. There were going to be four tests today ; TAT, WAT, SRT and SD Test.
TAT : The pictures shown were clear and I was able to write good stories on all of the pictures shown. Guys you really don’t have to prepare for TAT, just practice over your speed and handwriting. You can anyways prepare for the themes over which a good story can be written. We can include social issues etc as our themes. Don’t forget to to put in words like hard working, determination, motivation etc that describe your OLQS.
WAT: Out of the 60 words shown I was able to write a sentence on each one of them with the first thought that came to mind and did not try to manipulate my thoughts. Again, guys, I would like to suggest you that don’t prepare for the WAT at all and write whatever comes to your mind. For example, I was shown a word ATTRACT and the first thought that came to my mind was women (the pretty lady psychologist present during the testing can be a reason) and the sentence I wrote was…. women attract. This is how crisp a sentence can be. But write whatever comes to your mind.
SRT: The SRTs were easy like always, but I was able to do just 41 out of a total 60. But, whatever I wrote was to the point and had a good solution to the situation. Never forget to complete the situation. Like if someone has a destination to reach….make sure that he reaches his destination on time after tackling the situation.
SD TEST : You can prepare for the SELF DESCRIPTION test but make sure you include the same qualities you mentioned in the TAT, WAT and SRT. Never be shy of mentioning your weaknesses Be honest and write about a person that you already are and what are the opinions of your surroundings about you.
*A piece of advice: it may happen that some of the words during the WAT and situations during the SRT might get repeated. Make sure you write the similar solution to both times.


Dressed in white from head to toe.I was very eager and determined for the GTO testing. We were given general topics to discuss upon and I participated actively in both the discussions speaking relevant points in a clear and loud tone.
After the GDs, we were made to solve a Group Planning Exercise. We were able to solve the exercise pretty effectively.
Progressive Group Task, Half Group Task followed and we did work as a group and were able to make effective plans and implement them nicely as well. The last test of Day 3 was the Group obstacle race and I can proudly say that I was the one who climb all the obstacles given at one go and lead my group till the very last obstacle helping people from my group whenever required.


I had my personal interview with the Deputy President of 18 SSB. Huh!!…. This was not at all expected from the interviewer….his expressions did not change throughout the interview and I assumed that he was looking at me with a feeling of disgust. But, I was able to reply to each of the questions he asked most of them revolving around my family, friends and girlfriend.He did ask me some basic general knowledge questions as well and I was able to answer almost all of them but gave some silly answers as well.


I was very excited today as today was one of my favourite tests called the INDIVIDUAL OBSTACLES. The day began with the same test and woah….I was able to do 14 Obstacles (10+4) in the 3 minutes allotted time and later came to know that it was the maximum number in the whole batch.
Later in the day we had our Command Task and the GTO kept on increasing the difficulty level along with the time pressure during the task but I acted accordingly and did not panic and completed my command task effectively.
The final task we had was the FINAL GROUP TASK and it was very easy and we completed it smoothly.
Later in the day we people enjoyed with each other and I went out and bought a pack of cigarettes and had a nice time when I came back.


Dressed like a gentleman I was all geared up for the Conference. I was asked just two questions about how my stay was and if I had any suggestions.
Time for the results:
Oh god, the lady psychologist was looking fabulous in the olive greens and looking at her my heartbeat rose. Results were announced and 7 of us out of a total 24 got recommended, breaking the belief that Allahabad is a rejection board.
Now, I’m waiting for the joining instructions to come for the SSC SNL-102 course and I’m pretty confident to making it to the academy this time.
Wishing you all… All the very best for your SSB!!
with regards,
(Roll number 89020 NDA 128)
(Roll number 16636 SSC SNL-102)
I can be contacted on Facebook at ANKUR BALODA ([email protected])
Any aspirant can contact me till the time I join the OTA!!

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