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Written ExamsAFCATAFCAT 2 2016 Result - Out Now - www.careerairforce.nic.in

AFCAT 2 2016 Result – Out Now – www.careerairforce.nic.in

AFCAT 2 2016 was conducted successfully on 28 Aug 2016 across various AFCAT centres. Candidate who clears the written test of AFCAT will be called for the AFSB interview at their choice of AFSB centre. AFCAT 2 2016 result will be published online at www.careerairforce.nic in Last week of Sep 2016. Candidates can check their AFCAT 2 2016 result by login into careerairforce.nic.in candidates login page. Candidates who have attended EKT 1 2016 can also check their EKT exam marks in the same portal. Candidates who will be able to clear the AFCAT 2 2016 cut off marks and EKT 2 2016 cut off marks will be called for AFSB interview after the result.

To crack SSB interview,  recommend you to get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” book from Amazon.

AFCAT 2 2016 Result – Out Now

How to Check AFCAT 2 2016 Result

  1. Login at www.careerairforce.nic.in by clicking on candidates login button at the bottom right.
  2. Enter you username and password.
  3. Now you can check the AFCAT 2 2016 cut off marks [official] and marks secured by you.
  4. Candidates who have secured more marks than cut off can click on ‘Generate Admit Card’.
  5. Then the candidate is required to select a convenient AFSB centre and interview date out of the given dates.
  6. We suggest candidates to choose their interested AFSB, interview date because every centre has some limited number of seats on a particular date which will be assigned on first come first serve basis.

AFCAT 2 2016 Result Call Letter And SSB Interview

  1. Generating AFSB interview call letter and selecting a date for AFSB interview is very easy, candidate is required to login at careerairforce.nic.in and click on generate call letter.
  2. Then he will be given few options with different AFSB centre and AFBS dates. Do remember, every date has limited number of seats, so it is better to opt for a date as soon as possible.
  3. Once you are done selecting the same, your AFSB interview call letter will be generated. Take the print of the same and keep it safe.
  4. If you are currently staying nearby any AFSB centre, you are advised to select a different centre.

AFCAT 2 2016 AFSB Interview Process

  1. So now you have everything done, time to pack your bag for AFSB interview. Do remember you have to carry all the educational documents in original including AFCAT 2 2016 hall ticket/admit card and AFSB Interview 2016 call letter.
  2. You are required to report at the venue as mentioned in your call up letter.
  3. Candidates will be going through a small document clearance which mostly consist of AFCAT hall ticket and AFSB interview call letter. Candidates having less than 60% or any backlog will be filtered out.
  4. Later candidates will go through QIR test and PPDT which are part of the screening test.
  5. Once the PPDT is over, candidates will be getting their results within two hours.
  6. Candidates who will clear the screening test will stay back for 5 days AFSB interview.

Note: There will be a fool proof documents checks happening after screening test for the selected candidates, any discrepancy or lack of proof will leads to cancellation of candidature, if you have any doubt related to documents, feel free to ask the authority present there, they are best to help you out.

AFCAT 2 2016 Interview Tips

As we have already given lots and lots of tips to clear AFSB interview, here are few more tips which would help you to clear the AFCAT 2 2016 AFSB interview.

  1.  Know about AFSB interview procedure first and then start preparing for each and every test through books, personal coaching and online resources.
  2. Make a plan and stick to it. Practice daily and improve day by day.
  3. Find few experience candidates and listen to their story and analyze the scenario you could face at AFSB.
  4. Take away some learning from the experiences of recommended candidates which are posted here on ssbcrack.
  5. Finally, be serious about your attempt and go with confidence. You are not coming back without success.

Result AFCAT 2 2016 Click Here

To crack SSB interview,  recommend you to get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” book from Amazon.

Apply For AFCAT 2 2016 Notification and Exam Date

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  1. I got 153 in AFCAT and 46 in EKT. But i am unable to clear it. whereas my friends having less than my marks got ssb. THere is no option to select ssb from my login id. Why is it happening ? Any clues? Cut off is 144. I should have got a call letter.

  2. I got 153 in AFCAT and 46 in EKT. But i am unable to clear it. whereas my friends having less than my marks got ssb. THere is no option to select ssb from my login id. Why is it happening ? Any clues? Cut off is 144. I should have got a call letter.

  3. I checked the answer key from another website and I’m getting 170 marks.
    Can anyone tell me the cut off for AFCAT 2/2015 according to the difficulty of the paper.


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