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Personal InterviewQuestionsWhy Do You Want To Join The Indian Army (SSB Question)

Why Do You Want To Join The Indian Army (SSB Question)

here are countless benefits for the real aspirants of the Indian Army, but most of us have one solid reason which attracts us towards uniform.

Why do you want to join the Indian army as an officer, this is the sure-shot question you will face while giving a personal interview in SSB for any Indian Army officers entry.

The reason for asking such a question can have many factors, IO may want to know why you are here or he may want to check how honest you are to yourself.

This question generally comes at climax, many candidates may take this question with ease and might not answer it properly or just answer some ready-made and very common statements.

If your answer is very normal and common you may not get more back questions, but if you have something special and original, it will definitely attract interviewing officers for sure.


So always be ready with the original reason, it will also give you a lot of confidence when you do something real and legit.  

Apart from this, the Indian army also provides you with some valid reasons to join the Indian Army as an officer, you might have read some interesting reasons to join the Indian army in joinindianarmy.nic.in, which is an official career website of Indian army. This post will give you brief details about those reasons.  

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Reasons to join the Indian Army As an Officer:

  1. Professional Advancement
  2. Job Satisfaction
  3. Job Security
  4. Economic Stability
  5. Excellent  Social Status
  6. Quality of Life
  7. Variety and Adventure
  8. Foreign Courses and Posting
  9. Post Retirement Benefits
  10. Various Training Programs
  11. Professional Enhancement

  “To every man upon this Earth,   Death comes sooner or later.   and how can a man die better   facing fearful odds   for the ashes of his father   and the temple of his Gods”                                                      -Macauley  


These are the few basic reasons which are not in much detail. There are countless benefits for the real aspirants of the Indian Army, but most of us have one solid reason which attracts us towards uniform.  

Here you can post your reasons for joining the Indian Army as an officer, be genuine and write what is real. Few best reasons will be updated in this post soon. Post your comments and reason below.

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  1. I want to join Indian army for its adventurous training.
    Second,for very disciplined and punctual lifestyle.
    If, I am appearing for technical entry:
    I would get an opportunity to handle and control the highly advanced and sophisticated machineries.

  2. I want to join indian army ,bcoz i want to do something special for our nation. Jai hind. I like indian. Army uniform

  3. firstly proudly say to i am an Indian.because i want to serve my country,because i completed NCC “A” “B” AND “C” certificates.in army wing.my life is for my nation.because i want to join in INDIAN ARMY.

  4. “THE FIRE”, in me to become an army officer starts after the recommendation of one of my college senior” i come to know more about army and its life style. and with time it become my aim and dream to see myself in front of the mirror in army dress. Army give us pride and honour and a supreme status in society. its my passion to become an army officer and live my life full of adventures and serve my country simultaneously.”

    Life can be lived in two ways, one with joy and pleasure and another with pride.. and for me pride is more imp. then any kind of joy and pleasure.. so m coming @”INDIAN ARMY” …!!!!

  5. sir… i want to join indian army because of its strict discipline which makes us a complete man and moreover the life of solider fascinates me which encorages me to join the indian army and serve the nation as it is a matter of honour and its makes my father more proud that his son as joined the indian army and will fight for the nation as i did.

  6. I want to join Army because it is the service of HONOUR.I would be joining the most prestigious service,which is service for “Motherland”.
    In our ancient vedas its said that-
    “Janani Janm Bhoomischya Swargadapi Gariyasi”
    Which means that “Mother and Motherland are superior to Heaven”.
    After thing deeply,I came to know that human being is very selfish.He always thinks of himself by working for the MNC’s or corporates for survival.But,does’nt has the capicity to repay the debt of what his motherland has given him.
    So,Its the duty of every youth of our nation to contribute for the development and protection of our Motherland which can be possible with Indian Army.
    Whole population of our country is living with peace because of a rigid Defence system,which is also a reason of HONOUR to be in INDIAN ARMY

    • Brother…You don’t need Any coaching or anything else …. just study hard till 12 th. You should have all concept clear in mind till your current study period or class or graduate. And talking about ssb just Think you are an Officer and start developing all Officer Like Quality In yourself. Everyone having OLQ in themselves. We just need to find it .. and improve it as more we can. Hope it will Help..
      Jay Hind….🇮🇳

    • Reasons why i have to join Defence Forces.

      1) I wanted to be in a job which evolves both mental and physical fitness .

      2) The strict discipline life of Defence Forces inspires me a lot, which helps me motivated throughout the life.

      3) To be part of organisation which as pride and honour.

  7. I believe there are two ways of living life ,
    A life with pleasure and other with pride .
    The life with pleasure may or may give you the pride,
    but life with PRIDE will definitely give you the Pleasure !!!
    Men die but honor doesn’t.
    Armed forces provide that honor.
    That’s why I want to serve in the Army.
    I want to live and die for the honor, pride, discipline and justice. Every morning when I wake up and stand in front of the mirror, I should feel proud of the person in the mirror and be happy to be living for another day.

  8. Gentlemen you all must be feeling like to speak something differernt and original which is eye catching and appealing but a question that is troubling my brain and taming me is that “I feel almost at the peak of patriotism and sacrifice when I read about the warroirs who sacrifced their life at just an age when someone could have lead a easy going life but on the other hand I read about the POW and what betrayal they and their family are facing at the hands of the government like the cases of captain saurabh kaliya and the 59 pow who are at the verge of extinction and their life which they thought would provide them with job satisfaction and job security is nowhere giving them cover for their deteriorating lives.”Please I am a seeker of truth and nothing else so do, grant me the same.

    Shivam Sharma


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