Jobs in Defence have such a charm that we never want to quit trying even when we have failed in our previous attempts. This gives rise to a term “Repeater”. Repeaters are such a class of people, who feel that they are the most underprivileged people on this earth. When they go to attend SSB, they face raised eyebrows from the Fresher candidates, who have a belief that Repeaters are the most “Chalu” people of this world. In the very beginning itself they are separated from the whole group, the board people say ‘who all are repeaters please come this side’, it feels like criminals.
Right from the Psychologist to the GTO, don’t give details of any exercises saying that they must already be knowing it. The interviewer insulting and demoralizing them that they didn’t clear in their previous attempts, worst of all they are not even paid the TA. Nobody understands the pain of a repeater.
Tashi Mishra, Editorial Team
Folks don’t lose hope; here are some tips which will help you in clearing your SSB this time.
Tips For Repeaters to Crack the SSB Interview
- Be Confident: I know every other person must be saying this, but this is the thing. Confidence is the most essential part of a successful personality, so take some big bites of confidence before entering the SSB now.
- Trust yourself: If you’ll not trust yourself then nobody will. Many of us face pressure from family after being unsuccessful in few attempts; don’t lose the trust in yourself. Keep on reminding yourself what you want to do, read success stories of aspirants who have made in their 10th, 12th attempts and think if they would have given up in the first few attempts they might have never cleared it. Success is might be delayed but it never happens that it doesn’t arrives at all.
- Review: Review your mistakes. Write down all your responses on a notebook. Begin from the beginning, write what all response you gave for psych tests, write the words/situations if you remember any of the picture write its description, write your answers and take expert advice on them. Write the questions you faced in your interview/conference and what answers you gave. In short recreate the whole SSB procedure.
- Analyze: Analyze your responses. Think about what went wrong in them. Avoid idealistic responses. Think about practical solutions. Note down in points all your analysis; you can even take experts’ advice in your solutions.
- Make corrections: Now after you have made out what mistake you did, and then make necessary corrections in your responses. Find out the field in which you think you lacked in your previous SSB’s and work on it.
- The positives and the negatives: Find out your positive points and polish them more, find your negative ones and work on them to make them positive. Some of you might be lacking in public speaking, some might be lacking in interview so take corrective measures and work on your weaknesses.
- Dealing with your group: It happens that repeaters group contains people who are in a do or die situation, all want to crack it this time and all are experienced, hence the GT series where you have to work as a group becomes very tough. You just have to maintain you cool and be very balanced while the GT series. Don’t be involved in excessive shouting or bullying others. Remain nice, the GTO knows everything, you’ll cast a good impression by remaining polite and nice and not by dominating others. Make your points strongly but nicely.
- Stay away from the ‘Myths’: At last stay away from various myths you hear about repeaters chances of success. They want OLQ’s when they see them in you they select you, when they don’t they do not select you. It’s as simple as that. Anything other than this said about the SSB is wrong! Rumors which say that repeaters have less chances of success are simply meant to demoralize you. Stay focused on you path.
In the end utilize your experience. I believe that any repeater has more chances of success than a fresher this is because they know the whole process and have gone through it. Hence any repeater who works hard and is able to identify the mistakes of previous attempts correctly can definitely clear the SSB.
We shall overcome Someday
Deep in my heart I do believe that we shall overcome Someday.
Good luck
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She is a defense aspirant from Varanasi completed her BCA. She has attended SSB Interview at 1 AFSB Dehradoon and has more SSB coming up. She is confident about joining Defence Forces one day. Here, she is sharing her views and experience. Mail us to join our editorial team now.
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is it true that board recommend less cadet in TES than in NDA interviews?
in my last ssb 2 out of 5 recommended candidates were recommended again 3 weren’t. And remaining 2 who were recommended were repeaters. no fresher. i was really disappointed but felt good for them and good for my chances to make it in next ssb. believe mr above points are not just to be followed during ssb but also our day today life because this is we can inculcate them into our personality. Also to add another point we must think positive and stay happy. This makes our morale high and body language vibrant and attractive.
Is that true that they have PIQs of our previous ssbs…..??
I was recommended in my first attempt,but my name didnt feature in the merit list. I got conferenced out in my second attempt. These two ssb’s were for air force. Now i have two ssbs one for army and other for air force. I am preparing well this time, but i will be asked that why i couldnt make it in my second attempt. What i have to say? My reason is that i didnt do well in oir, psych also went very bad where i completed all 60 srts and wats but the quality was not good and in gt i was tensed and desperate.
The best answer for your situation is that you say “Sir it is very difficult to make out in SSB that in which area I lacked,hence this time I have prepared myself for doing better in all the areas”
We shall overcome Someday
Deep in my heart I do believe that we shall overcome
really an encouraging one…………. thank you so much!!! (Y) i needed tis n u provided at the right moment…………………………….. thank you and yes… we will overcome and be a part of this World of Uniform!!!