Cheers to all future officers, here we present another installment of motivation series. This time we will try to understand the life of Albert Einstein and learn something from the same. Whenever we want to praise a child for his intelligence, we say “He is just like Einstein “. The word Einstein has become synonymous of brilliance. His momentous contribution to the world as a whole is something we can be proud of. But, only a few of us know that he wasn’t the Einstein we know in his early days.
Days Of Dismay
Albert was born in Germany, in a middle-class family. He did not utter a word till he was four. His parents were worried whether he would ever speak or not. He was put to a decent school but wasn’t able to read until he was seven. His school days were full of turbulence. He looked untidy, his hair was disheveled. He had arguments with his teachers, was a butt of jokes in the class. His classmates mocked him frequently, called him a ‘pig-dog’. On the whole, he was considered to be a good for nothing mentally slow child. The result was that he had to take a petty job as a patent examiner. Even as a scientist he wasn’t taken very seriously. The university of Bern turned down his PhD dissertation deeming it irrelevant and fanciful.
Persistence Paid
Despite being considered insane by people, he continued his quest for the unknown. He kept his mind running, he did not stop his experiments. Only because he had faith in himself. His belief paid off finally. The world acknowledged his potential when one of his first theories of relativity got published in scientific community. The rest is history. He went on to bag the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921 for his research on theoretical physics, especially the photoelectric effect. His equation on the mass energy relation made him a hero around the masses. The worl
Moral of the Story
Einstein is considered as the father of Modern Physics. His research has helped build spaceships, satellites that travel to the space. His research is responsible for a modernised world in which we live. He managed to do all this because he had faith in himself. He was undaunted by the comments of the people. He knew one day the world will be at his feat. Similarly, we all have the ability to realise our dream. We only know what’s inside us, the world will have to bend in front of our persistence. Hence, it is time that we show the world, it is time to shut all the detractors.
I would urge all the aspirants to take a leaf out of this story and start a new beginning in order to realise your dream. Because it is never too late to reform oneself.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”. – Albert Einstein
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Apart from being a defence enthusiast, I have great zeal towards patriotic and welfare activities. I hail from a rich defence background with my dad being a retired commandant in the Indian Coast Guard. I am currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering and wish to join DRDO one day
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