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GTOGroup DiscussionHacking Into SSB Group Discussion: What Is It?

Hacking Into SSB Group Discussion: What Is It?

Hello, Warriors! As we know that SSB is conducted in two stages, with the ssb group discussion (GD) coming in the second stage, in the GTO. A GD is a verbal-oriented activity which can be formal or informal.


The candidates express themselves eloquently to make an impact and create a favorable impression. In formal contexts, GDs are used as a tool to identify candidates with the right OLQs.

Why Are GDs Conducted?

GDs are conducted to assess the ability of a candidate to fit in a group and influence it, solve problems, make decisions, communicate effectively, remain calm in a stressful situation and stay positive.

How Are GDs Conducted?

The candidates of the group are given a topic and are asked to discuss the topic for 20-25 minutes and arrive at a consensus. The GD may last for about twenty minutes.


The participants are expected to display initiative, tact, understanding, persuasive ability and motivating, co-ordination skills. The candidates in the group express their views freely and to the point in an audible manner. They must avoid being either domineering or silent and passive.

Types Of GDs:

There are three types of GDs:

  1. Topic Based GDs: These can be classified into three based on the kind of topic given:

  • Factual Topics (Socio Economic Topics e.g. Traffic Chaos)

  • Controversial topics (Argumentation in nature e.g. Brain Drain should be stopped)

  • Abstract Topics (e.g. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder)

  1. Case Studies: An issue or situation is given to the candidates to discuss and arrive at a solution. This evaluates their ability to think about a solution from various angles.

  1. Group Tasks: These are group activities with specific objectives. e.g. Provide guidelines to setup an additional training academy to train more soldiers of the army.

Features Of a Good GD:

Effective communication, an in-depth discussion which are analytical and logical, cooperative and friendly atmosphere, equal participation and arriving at a broad consensus.

Golden Rules Of GD:

  1. Initiation: It can include a use of proverbs, definitions, anecdotes and relevant quotes.

  2. Continuation: Each member takes turns to participate and continue the discussion using expression such as:

    1. It’s my turn now to say something

    2. You are quite right (Agreement) or I beg to disagree with you (disagreement)

    3. That’s not really relevant here. Let’s not deviate, please. (Focusing on topic)

  3. Conclusion: One of the participants/chest numbers can summarise the discussion in a concise manner.

What do assessors look for?

Some of the important positive personality traits that a candidate must possess to do well at a GD includes communication skills, knowledge of the topic, appropriate body language, reasoning ability, leadership qualities, conflict management, the ability to be a team player with most priority among other OLQs.

With this, I would like to conclude by saying that no single person is born with the abilities to become an officer in the armed forces. If you are determined enough to turn your fate in your favour, even the biggest of the disasters can’t stop you from achieving your goals. But the fact is, a determination is the one which quality that suppresses other OLQs.

Any questions or queries? You are welcome to contact me on FB through the link below.

Let me leave you with a saying that’ll motivate and determine you:

Don’t try to conquer others,

Conquer yourselves and

You would’ve conquered the world”SSB-Group-Discussion

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