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SSBCrackMyths about SSB

Myths about SSB

Myths about SSB

Dear Aspirants, even after having sufficient guidance from different sources, some myths about SSB prevails among the aspirants. This article mainly aims at removing all such myths and bad information from your minds. It is the duty of SSBCrack Editorial Team to help you all to get a right perspective of SSB.

Myths about SSB

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There are several myths about SSB. We will go into each one by one –
  1. Mess Staff: A common myth prevails among the candidates that SSB Mess staff are efficient Human observers and they will report to the President about your conduct in Mess ie How do you watch TV, How you talk with Group mates etc. It is absolutely a wrong notion and your personality is assessed only by the GTO, Psycho and IO.
  2. Language: It is widely believed among the candidates that those who are really good at English can get recommended. It is absolutely wrong and Language is not at all a parameter of selection. It will be absolutely a blunder to use sophisticated language during your stay at SSB. It will not create any favorable impression. And it is also wrong that those who cannot speak well in English are not recommended.
  3. Education: It is absolutely wrong to believe that those who get high standard education in Convent Schools or Schools in Metropolitan cities. Actually those who come from backward places are found to be more effective at SSB. A high grade is not going to impress the SSB and poor Grades shall not cause a problem in SSB as SSB is not a competition.
  4. Coaching Centres: It is widely believed that SSB doesn’t like trained candidates. That is absolutely wrong. And it is also wrong to believe Coaching provides an undue advantage over other candidates. No coaching can improve your OLQ’s unless you try to do so. But coaching greatly increases your confidence and reduces your time consume during Psychological tests.
  5. Favoritism: There is nothing stuff in the SSB which can ever give undue advantage for a candidate over others. SSB doesn’t consider whether you are from RIMC or from a Rural School, OR whether you went to coaching or not. SSB is so designed to see that all candidates, whether he got coaching or not, a student of RIMC or a convent school, or from a Village or a cosmopolitan city, shall have an equal chances and no one gets any advantage over other. The pals of Army Officers, or Veterans or a cadet of NCC shall not have any advantage. Only you need to project your OLQ’s. That’s it.
  6. Repeaters: Repeaters are also given attention in SSB. It is absolutely a blunder to believe that fresher has a greater chance of selection. But it sometimes happens mainly because their Psycho part remains much natural than Repeaters. So repeaters go ahead. Take care of your Psychology. And it is wrong to believe that once getting Conferenced out will be an end of your career. You might not have been able to project some of Your OLQ’s well. You might get recommended in the next attempts.
  7. SSB Evaluation and Individual Obstacles: SSB is not a competition and hence your aim must not be for securing maximum marks particularly in Psycho as you may try to answer maximum questions within allotted time leaving several blunders in the answers most particularly in SRT. So take your time, answer every SRT considering your own Reactions only. Please do not copy any answers from anywhere. And it is wrong to believe that attempting maximum IO’s would increase your chances of selection. IO is an individual task and doesn’t have much importance unlike the Group Tasks. So please don’t start preparation for Individual Obstacles from the moment you get your call letter. Give more focus on Psychology particularly repeaters.
What do you think about all these myths, do they really hamper your performance in SSB. Put your thoughts in the comment box below.
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Para Aneesh Jaganath, Editorial Team

A student from Kerala. Aspires to join Indian Army SF through NDA. Has a desire to join Indian Army from childhood. Mail us to join our editorial team now.

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  1. First of all thanks for this important article sir.
    Second thing I have heard that in AFSB one can’t use hindi words or he has to better pack one’s bag !!!
    I am not that good in english while it comes to communicate as I frequently forget the words
    I was asking that if I use hindi words or hindi in interviews and lecturate,will I not considered for the job I? ???

    • Almost it’s true. But however, if you are found to have all the OLQ’s , then they shall always give you a favour as English can be improved in our training academies. But however, you better try to improve your communication skills by listening to AIR News, CNN IBN, or even BBC. Also make reading a habit. Best of Luck. Jai Hind…..

  2. I have heard that in AFSB you can’t use hindi words in lecturates and interviews if you do so your chances are getting low by time to become officer
    Is that true or its myth
    And I can use proper hindi language in interviews and lecturates as well ? Please tell me

    • And my dear Brother, There are some cases where you can use only Hindi words as some words doesn’t have any equivalent words in English. But when your lecturette is in English, it’s always better to stick on to English words . Use simple language as it would make your lecture much attractive. Bombastic words are not required. Best of Luck

  3. Candidates who are sent for intrw by president have more Probability of getting selected than any other who is interviewed by some lower rank officer……and this selection is made on the basis of psychology……. Is this a myth or reality.

    • All three officers have an equal part in selection..If any one of the officers doesn’t feel you made the mark, then surely you shall not be recommended..If they have any doubts regarding you, then they shall clear it out through discussions and in the Conference,,,,

  4. Can we just Byheart those OLQ’s and in SSB Project them properly… will it work or its waste… and please guide us to prepare psych effectively… as this test are mostly done in evening like 4 or 5 o clock.


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