“Change will begin the moment you take ownership of your thoughts and actions and stop making excuses.” ~~Linda A.
Your life is in your hand and it perfectly moves the way you wanted. The said luck factor or the noise as we call it in management language does not play a major role in life. Things and your life are shaped in a way you want and you are the one who can work for it. Life is a blend of success and failures and there is no one who has always seen success and no failure in life. Failing is also compulsory and it only motivates to perform better learning from the mistakes that have been made. A person improves a lot by learning from his failures. Similarly loosing exam by an inch should not lead to any trauma. It’s just that you did not performed well and every exam looks for the best. There is always a next chance.
SSB is one such exam where they look for a perfect job fit in the industry and no relaxation is given in this regard because of the nature of job. My mentees always ask me that I could not understand why I failed when I performed things all right. And to my surprise when I analyse individually their stories or sentences I find they have written flashy things. Please remember that psychology round at SSB is not a story writing competition where writing good English will solve the purpose. You have to write things understanding your personality. Please remember the following:
- Representing your OLQ’s is necessary and it’s the work of psychologist to extract that. You need not insert things necessarily.
- I have seen my mentees introducing extra characters, things that are not even required. I don’t know where they get these things from.
- Each given picture has a hidden meaning and those 30 seconds given to analyse a picture are very crucial to understand that meaning. Once that is done nothing is mystery.
- But in actual what happens is that people ask me to suggest a good book or a page where they can have ready made solutions. I don’t understand how stories written by others can fit their personality.
- Self-introspection is never done by the youth these days and they want ready-made preparation that actually might cause a disaster. Learning common things in large groups is also not needed.
- Either introspect yourself and apply change to your personality or look for some expert who can take care of you individually for personality improvement.
SSB is nothing but revealing your true self to the assessors. Tell me is this tough? Why do u want to modify and falsify things? Still If you have any confusion or feel to take individual assessment of personality for OLQs / improvement or prepare from your place itself through one to one interaction through my mentoring / counselling program drop me a mail at [email protected]or add me on FB and drop in a message. It would be a pleasure to help and resolve queries and clear doubts and help in improving our youth who are just getting ready to safe our borders and nation with pride.
Also Read
- Territorial Army Recruitment Notification 2015
- Be a Team Player to Excel at SSB Interview
- In Conversation with Komal Pahuja, Recommended from 4 AFSB Varanasi

Jayendra is pursuing MBA from IIM Ranchi and is a die heart counsellor for defence aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.