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GTOProgressive Group TaskBack To The Basics: Progressive Group Task (PGT)

Back To The Basics: Progressive Group Task (PGT)

Progressive Group Task (PGT) is one of the outdoor group exercises conducted during the Group Testing Officer (GTO) series at the Services Selection Board (SSB). It is designed to assess a candidate’s leadership, teamwork, problem-solving ability, and effective communication skills in a practical setting.

The Progressive Group Task (PGT) is the kernel of the GTO task series. Though it is a fun task, it is also very tricky and cumbersome at the same time. This simple task brings out a number of key qualities which are lying dormant inside the individual.

Therefore, a lot of diligence is required at the part of the candidate while going about this task. We will try to explain the whole PGT procedure and also give some pivotal tips in this article.

These group exercises have been designed to test the candidate’s ability to work in a team and tackle problems of a practical nature. These are leaderless group exercises which have to be tackled with the help of the group members and some helping material.

The entire group is required to work with the spirit of cooperation. However, the candidates must remember that these exercises have a number of solutions and those having average intelligence can handle these provided they think coolly.

Progressive Group Task – PROCEDURE

Basically the PGT are a series of tasks which are progressively made more difficult, starting with an easy task and finishing with the most difficult one. Generally, the whole exercise takes 40-45 minutes.

  • The GTO explains to the candidates that they have to carry a load with supporting material from the start line to the finish line. He will evince those lines.
  • He will tell you what material or structures are not to be touched, and which areas are ‘out of bounds’.
  • He gives the helping materials i.e. wooden plank (phatta), pole (balli) and ropes which are to be used to cross the obstacles.
  • Then he explains the other rules which are to be followed during the obstacles.
  • Having explained all the rules, he asks for any doubts which candidates might have.
  • Now, he leaves the group on its own to do its tasks. Once the first obstacle is crossed, the GTO will take you to the next obstacle which will naturally be tougher than the earlier one.
  • Similarly, he takes the group to next set of obstacles and then he congratulates the group for the completion of the obstacles.

Progressive Group Task – RULES TO BE FOLLOWED

  • Colour rule: The structures are painted in different colours Red, Blue and White.
    • White: – Both the candidates and helping material can touch.
    • Blue: – Only candidates can touch, helping material cannot.
    • Red: – Out of bounds for both candidates and the helping material.
  • The areas in the PGT like the mud surfaces and red coloured structures are out of bounds.
  • Rigidity rule: This rule states that no two rigid helping materials can be tied together. Instead the helping material can be tied with the structures.
  • Rule of Infinity: This states that the start and the finish line of the obstacle extend till infinity. The group cannot cross these lines directly.
  • Distance rule: It states that no distance greater than four feet can be jumped. The gap more than four feet has to be bridged using the helping material.
  • Group and Load Rule: The entire group along with the last person, helping material and load must move ahead together at any point of time through the entire course of the PGT.

Progressive Group Task – POINTS TO REMEMBER

  • Listen to the GTO very carefully with your ears and mind widely open throughout the entire exercise. He will give you certain suggestions and tips indirectly, so be very astute in catching them.
  • Please do not break any rule. It is the bread and butter of the GTO to conduct these tasks. So, just obliterate the belief that you can befuddle the GTO.
  • Observe the structures very carefully, the solutions are very simple and require basic common sense.
  • Principle of cantilever or fulcrum can be used during the tasks.
  • If you are unable to give ideas, contribute by cheering up the group members and cooperating with them.
  • There are generally three solutions to every obstacle. Keep this in mind.
  • Take the plunge, initiate, go ahead and take the risk. No point in playing the second fiddle to the group members.
  • Never let stress crumble you. Keep your focus and composure intact throughout the entire GTO exercise.
  • If you have unwittingly broken any rule, have the temerity to acknowledge it.

Well, this was all about the progressive group task. All your suggestions and doubts are welcome. Kindly comment in the comment box below if you have anything to say. Till then, keep it going, let it happen!!


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Vardaan Parashar
Vardaan Parasharhttps://ssbcrack.com/
Apart from being a defence enthusiast, I have great zeal towards patriotic and welfare activities. I hail from a rich defence background with my dad being a retired commandant in the Indian Coast Guard. I am currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering and wish to join DRDO one day.
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