Hello guys, recently Indian Air Force (IAF) released a notification for Airmen in Group Y recruitment rally at Nehru Stadium, Shivamogga, Karnataka from 17 JULY 2019 to 23 JULY 2019. Again IAF has released another notification for recruitment rally at DAV Public School, Koyla Nagar, Dhanbad (Jharkhand) from 24 August 2019 to 29 August 2019. This Recruitment Test is for Group ‘Y’ (Non-Technical), Indian Air Force (Security) [IAF(S)] Trade. Compared to the other notifications this type of recruitment rallies will be giving more chances to youth to prove themselves and get selected into the force.

INDIAN AIR FORCE AIRMEN GROUP – Y ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: The Indian Air Force (IAF) clearly mentions the eligibility conditions required to be selected as Airmen in Group – Y in the notification. The candidate must ensure the eligibility conditions before he applying to the recruitment rally. It might be related to age, education, trades, domicile, selection procedures, etc.
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: Here are the educational qualifications required for applying for Group ‘Y’ (Non-Technical), Indian Air Force (Security) [IAF(S)] Trade.
Group Y (Non-Technical) | Intermediate / 10+2 / Equivalent with 50% marks |
Indian Air Force (Security) [IAF(S)] | Intermediate / 10+2 / Equivalent with 50% marks |
AGE LIMITS: Age limit also plays a vital role in the recruitment process. Even the Indian Air Force also wants more young candidates to be recruited because they will be serving the country for a longer period.
Candidates born between 19 July 1999 and 01 July 2003 (both days inclusive) are eligible to appear in the Recruitment Rally
DOMICILE RECRUITMENT: To be eligible to appear in the rally at DAV Public School, Koyla Nagar, Dhanbad (Jharkhand), the candidates shall be required to satisfy the following conditions:
- The School / College / Institute from where candidates have passed the qualifying examination should be within the geographical/administrative limits of designated Districts (as specified in Paragraph 2 above) of State of Jharkhand.
- If the name of District is not mentioned with the name of Institution in the certificate/marks sheet of qualifying examination, the candidates shall produce ‘Domicile Certificate’ issued by DM or any official authorized by the State Government of Jharkhand.
- Sons of serving Air Force personnel {Officer/Airmen/NCs(E) and Unit cadre Civilians paid from Defence Estimates} whose father/mother is presently serving in any Air Force Unit/any other Organisation located in the designated Districts (as specified in Paragraph 2 above) of State of Jharkhand irrespective of their domicile status, shall be permitted to appear in the rally subject to production of latest SOAFP (Son of Air Force Personnel) Certificate (format available at CASB site on AFNET).
- Sons of Air Force personnel {Officers/Airmen/NCs(E) and Unit Cadre Civilians paid from Defence Estimates} whose father/mother is Retired/Discharged/ Deceased and they are residing in the designated Districts (as specified in Paragraph 2 above) of State of Jharkhand shall be permitted to appear in the rally subject to production of proof of minimum stay of one year along with original and photocopy of Service Book/Discharge Book/CasualtyService Certificate/Service Particular Certificate (issued from DPO-3/DAV, as applicable) in case of Officers/Airmen/NCs(E) and a Certificate duly signed by OIC Civil Admin and countersigned by CO/C Adm O of the last served unit, in case of Civilians
RECRUITMENT RALLY SCHEDULE AND ELIGIBLE DISTRICTS: The below table shows the detailed schedule of recruitment rally process which is going to held at DAV Public School, Koyla Nagar, Dhanbad (Jharkhand). Candidates should ensure that the dates and events conducted in particular districts.

MEDICAL STANDARDS: To join in any armed forces or in Indian Army, Navy and Air Force medical standards will play a very important role. If the candidates are medically fit as per the given standards by Indian Air Force.
General Medical Standards shall be as follows: –
- Chest: Minimum range of expansion 5 cm
- Weight: Proportionate to height and age.
- Corneal Surgery (PRK/LASIK) shall not be acceptable.
- Hearing: Candidate should have normal hearing i.e. able to hear forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters with each ear separately.
- Dental: Should have healthy gums, a good set of teeth and a minimum 14 dental points.
- Health: Candidate should be of normal anatomy without loss of any appendages. He should be free from any active or latent, acute or chronic, medical or surgical disability or infection and skin ailments. Candidate must be physically and mentally FIT to perform duty in any part of the world, in any climate and terrain.
Find the below table for a glance view on medical standards required for Airmen in Group Y.

BODY TATTOO: Permanent body tattoos shall not be permitted. However, tattoos only on the inner face of the forearms (inside of elbow to the wrist), back (dorsal) part of the hand/reverse side of palm and for Tribals tattoos which are as per custom and traditions of their tribes may be considered. However, the right to decide on acceptability/unacceptability of the individual shall rest with the Selection Centre. Candidates with permanent body tattoos shall submit two photographs (close up and distant view) with details of size and type of the Tattoo.
INDIAN AIR FORCE AIRMEN GROUP Y SELECTION PROCESS: Candidates should ensure that the selection procedure for recruitment rallies will be different from another original process. Candidates discharged from Indian Air Force for any reason are not eligible to appear in the rally.
- Verification of Certificates
- Physical Fitness Test
- Written Test
- Medical Test
- Merit List
CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION: Candidates should take all required documents with them for verification at the examination venue prior to commencement of Physical Fitness Test to ascertain the eligibility prima-facie.
- 10th & 12th Passing Certificates & Marks Sheets Original
- NCC ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ Certificates (if any)
- Son of Serving Air Force Personnel (SOAFP)
- Consent Form from parents if their parents are discharged from duty
- Passport size colour photographs
PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST: Below is the events conducted at the physical fitness test. Candidates must ensure the qualifying time to the events conducted at the rally.
RUNNING 1.6 KM | 5 Min 40 Sec |
Chin Ups | 08 |
Push Ups | 20 |
Bent Knee Sit Ups | 20 |
WRITTEN TEST: Candidates who qualify in the physical fitness test will be allowed to attend the written test. The pattern for the written test is given below. The Written Test will be objective type and question paper shall be bilingual (English & Hindi) except for English paper. Answers are to be annotated on OMR sheet.
English | 45 MIN |
Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA) |
IMPORTANT NOTES: Below are some important updates regarding the written exam:
- Results of the written test shall be declared on the same day
- 01 mark for every correct answer
- Nil (0) marks for the un-attempted question
- 0.25 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer or choosing more than one option as the answer
All candidates who pass the Written Test will have to undertake Adaptability Test-1 on the same or subsequent day depending on the local conditions. Adaptability Test – 1 is to assess the suitability of a candidate for employment in the IAF which involves deployment in varied geographic terrain, weather and operational conditions.
All candidates who pass Adaptability Test-1 will have to undertake Adaptability Test-2 as per policy in vogue. Adaptability Test-2 is to select candidates who can adapt to the environment of the Indian Air Force and are able to adjust to the military way of life.
MEDICAL EXAMINATION: Candidates who qualify Adaptability Test -2 shall be medically examined in the month of January 2020 at Air Force Station Yelahanka. Medical Examination shall be conducted by the Air Force Medical Team as per IAF medical standards and existing policy in vogue
NOTE: Candidates declared Medically Unfit can avail the option for Appeal Medical Board (AMB) against their Unfitness by depositing Rs. 40/- in a Government Treasury/RBI/SBI through Military Receivable Order (MRO). The application for AMB along with an original copy of MRO, photocopy of Unfitness Certificate are to be submitted to the representative of 10 ASC, AF within three working days of Medical examination. AMB Centre will be SMC, Air Force Station Chakeri, Kanpur.
TRAINING DETAILS: Enrolment shall be for an initial period of 20 years (subject to condition) which may be extended up to the age of 57 years (subject to service conditions). Initially, candidates shall be sent for a Joint Basic Phase Training (JBPT) at Basic Training Institute, Belagavi (Karnataka). On successful completion of JBPT, candidates will be allocated trades and sent for trade training of specified durations which shall include Security training or any other training centre as per service requirements.
PAY & ALLOWANCES: During training, a stipend of Rs. 14,600/- per month shall be paid. On completion of training, the starting gross emoluments at the minimum of scale of pay including Military Service Pay (MSP) shall be Rs. 26,900/- per month plus Dearness allowance (as applicable) which, in subsequent years may rise as per the career progression of the individual.
- The Recruitment Test shall be conducted from 6 AM onwards as per the details are given. Candidates (from designated districts of the state of Jharkhand)
- Reporting up to 10 AM on 24 August 2019 and 27 August 2019 at DAV Public School, Koyla Nagar, Dhanbad (Jharkhand) (Rally venue) shall only be permitted to appear in the Recruitment Test.
- The Recruitment Test is not for selection as Commissioned Officers/ Pilots/Navigators.
Official Notification: Please go through the official notification attached below which was released by Indian Air Force
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