Air Force Common Admission Test AFCAT 02/2013 written exam was conducted by Indian Air-Force on 25 Aug 2013, AFCAT 2 2013 paper was in similar format like prior AFCAT exams, there were no such differences in type of questions or in marking scheme. In this post we will share the expected cutoff marks of AFCAT 2 2013. AFCAT 1 2013 cut off was 144 out of 300 marks.
Air Force has kept the same standard of AFCAT 2 2013 question paperthis time also, questions were neither easy nor difficult but do required a good preparation beforehand.
Also Check:
OMR Sheet
- Again, OMR answer sheet was used in AFACT 2 2013 to avoid any kind of discrepancy which we have seen earlier at the time of AFCAT 2 2012.
Difficulty Level of AFCAT 2 2013 Questions
- General Awareness: This section was average if we compare it with last AFCAT. Though, most of the questions were from GK and General Science.
- Verbal Ability in English: This section was slightly tougher than other sections, the level of questions came from Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary were tough. We would say that IAF is keeping English level really high for aspirants, even higher than what comes in CDSE.
- Numerical Ability: In this section, questions were mostly from percentage and profit/ loss. Overall, this section was easy and not that hard. Most of the questions were similar like we have seen earlier.
- Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test: This section was the easiest among all. Though, reasoning section was with average difficulty level. One must get maximum marks out of this section.

AFCAT 2 2013 Expected Cut off
Seeing the trend of AFCAT cut off marks, we don’t think there will be higher variation in AFCAT 2 2013 cut off mark.
- AFCAT 1 2012 cut off: 135
- AFCAT 2 2012 cut off: 143
- AFCAT 1 2013 cut off: 144
- AFCAT 2 2013 cut off: 110- 130
In short is you have done at least 35-45 correct questions ( Zero wrong), then you would have higher chances of clearing AFCAT 2 2013.
Let’s hope for the best, hope our AFCAT preparation tips worked well for you. If you have any concern related to AFCAT 2 2013 cut off marks, do post it in the comment section below.
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Hi Sir,
I wear specks. Am I eligible for Air Force Technical Branch?
Its not mentioned anywhere. Mentioned only about Flying branch.
I got 118 marks in afcat is there any chances to crack ssb also.. I mean m in dilemma whether I should go for ssb or leave it.
Cleared the written exam of AFCAT 02/2013. Please guide for further rounds of selection.
didn’t expect the cut-offs to slip so much!
afcat results out cut off is 116 and i got 120
21st commonwealth games is scheduled on april 2018..
so answer was none
thanx alot…. i was worried alot. i have done 62 correct questions.
After how many days was the result declared last tym???
last time exam held on 24 feb 2013 and result declared on 25 march 2013 .
declared on 20th march.
expected cut off 127-132
subject no of average correct answers expected cut off marks
gk- 5 15
english 5 15
maths 15 45
verbal reasoning 9 27
non verbal rea 15 45
TOTAL = 147
no of average negative attempted question = 15-20 so negative marking = 15-20
SO CUT OFF MARKS ==================127
MAXIMUM CUT OFF====================132
BEST OF LUCK All the aspirants.
you are saying avg -ve attempted ques to be 15-20 and -ve marking only 7??? dude horrible calculations you have..
As per the previous records the cut off is going to be 142 or 143… relax till the results announce
ALL OPTIONS WERE WRONG BUT FIRST ONE i.e. 19.67 will be most correct
I think 5th was correct
The question is- Why is it so, that we get to see such blunders in exams we don’t expect can have even a small mistake? This wasn’t expected out of these people. I simply left out the question thinking I might be wrong just because of the belief I had that the paper can’t have any mistakes as it might be published by some esteemed people. And something that’s wrong is entirely wrong. What’s the point of attempting a question that has all wrong options? Carelessness shouldn’t be forbidden on either side. If we are being careful enough in choosing the right answer then these people also got to be pretty careful while making the paper.
hey the question wasn’t wrong… the answer was 30.56% and it was one of the options.. so chill. :/
Please explain the procedure.
increase the no. by 20% successively and then reduce it.
the question clearly said “the number was increased by 20% TWICE” which means 1.2*1.2x=1.44x…. to bring it back to x we have (1.44x-x)/1.44 *100%= 30.56% which was one of the options. even i didnt see the “twice” in the beginning but while i was rechecking i found that…
i know the pain :/ .. similar mistake was there in GK part … Sania Mirza won a silver in CWG but it was nowhere in the option
please post about non verbal reasoning questions asked in xam like a dark Point and Hollow point placed on the corners of lines separated by 45 degree angle….what will be correct answer..
I think 5th was correct
i have done 59 out of which i knw 53 are correct…nt sure abt 6 out of which 3 are proven wrong in these comments…so wat do u think abt my chances?? am i gonna clear the barrier??
you should be safe brother.
GK was tough. Reasoning and English was easy. Not concerned about maths, only bothered to attempt 3 questions. Overall, I think my fate is sealed.
haha Nirvana!
What is this Kurt Cobain photo doing here?
if we darken two ovals for one answer ,will it be 0 or negative???
lol … y ?? 😀
“LAPROSCOPY” how many wrds cud be made ?
Laparoscopy is the word and the question was how many letters u can change without effecting the word.
answer:- three
the q. was that how many words could be made without changing the order of the letters. I marked 3 i.e. lap, copy, scopy.
I marked ‘Four’
1. LAPAROSCOPY is a word itself
2. LAP
3. PAR
lap,cop,copy and par
add ‘pro’ and we’ve 5.
Pro is not afull word its a short form of professional!! cop is a meaningful word
a itself is also a word that makes it plus 1 count for 5
What does scopy mean?
process of visualising with an endoscope is called scopy
So,we’ve lap,pro,scopy,cop, copy, thats 5!
dere is one more word “cop”
which one ws odd… autocracy bureaucracy democracy diplomacy?
Diplomacy as all the others r related with government
i think autocracy was the odd one..coz all the other three are done by a group and autocracy is a single person’s i think it to be the odd one out..
diplomacy is the right answer & others r forms of govt.
The paper was tough.
And the question asked the ratio of chairs to table.
And yes, the answer should be 16.6%.
I expect the cutoff to be around 145.
The results will b announced within 30 days from the written exam.
Wishing all the candidates best of luck.
I dont see the cut-offs getting lower than AFCAT 1.
And what was the answer for First European to reach India through new sea route!
Vasco da gama
vasco de gama
1 to pehle hi g**d fat gai h paper de ke… phir bolte ho cut off will be higher than last exam… BACHE KI JAAN LOGE KYA??
bhai, every successive batch outperforms the previous batch and unless the paper isn’t too difficult, the cut-offs would only increase. Expect 150-155 to be the range.
accha ji 150 -160 agar ah gayo nah cutt off toh kamal ho jayega abhi tune answer nai dekhe lagta hai sab ques ke
150 for sure brother, maths and military aptitude were very easy and that will shoot the scores
hey buddy u never get more than 100-120 so stop all ds ,n no need to post any comment until u dont know some thng …………dufr
cut off should never shoot more than 130-135……..sure
why are you this agitated man?
questions were similar type from last year. like sports award question, human brain, virus, geographical lines, and even last time in numerical ability questions were maximum from ratios and %ages, similar to this time. English was asusual tougher. a 2-3 week’s preparation can get u score more than 60 correct answers.
what is the answer of the long algebric equation consist of x,y and z.??
none of these… i think
It wud b 1 dr is a sht cut in solving these kind of pbms asume x=Y=z=1
In the given que x,y,z are in sequence so answer is 1
just use the relation of A^2 – B^2= (A-B)(A+B). The answer is 1
thats 1..!!
but they act as strong oxidising agents as they increase the charge on the ions they react with
true .. they act as strong oxidisers
what was the answer for electron affinity question…?
is it Strong reducing agent?
strong oxidising agent
i agree…
absolutely correct…answer must be (2/12)*100 i.e. 16.67%
think they typed the question wrong. I think they meant that the no. was increased by 20% and then again by 20% before being reduced
some people on this page say that the question said “the no. was increased 20% TWICE ” … now , i din’t happen to find TWICE writen anywhere this an Affirmative ?
let the no. be 100 after 20% increase it will become 120 and again after increasing it will become 144 so answer is 44 144-100=44
@sonuprasad:disqus it was asked how much the number to be ” orginal value
reduced” to get the
original value was 100 assumed
you are absolutely right and the nearest option was 19.35% and i felt the examiner was immature one he was concntrating on calculations rather than concept and yess no doubt they hav increased the level of afcat..dnt wether they want scientists at ol level…like which anhydride in unknown till date…… wtf
Yes this question was wrong, I solved it many times but couldn’t find the answer in the options..I wasted around 10 mins on the question, which was obviously useless >:(
u sud nevr waste 10 min on a single questn….
hey the question was right.. let the no be 100… 20% increase twice means 120..144…. to convert back its (144-100)/144 percentage =30.56% which was one of the options
how to we get 144 ?? …. 20% increase makes it 120 and now we had to reduce 120 by some percent so that it amounts to 100 again …where does 144 comes in picture ?
sahi hai shashank bhai!!!!
answer should be 50/3 percent
because the question was the “number was increased by 20% TWICE”
sangeetha ,m pretty sure that the question said the number was to be reduced by some percentage to get the original number back after increasing it by 20% just once..if it said the number increased twice than your answer is correct otherwise the answer will be 16.66%
but im sure the question was increase by 20% twice… even i missed that when i read it for the first time but then when i rechecked it i saw..
u should check the AFCAT 2/2013 question paper …u will find the questions and this question in particular… the question never used the word twice .. “a number is increased by 20 % and again reduced to bring back the number its original value .By how much percent the number was reduced to obtain the original number ? ” ..this is the language they used
is the original afcat paper out? :O could u put the link?
no not the original paper …people have posted thew questions they remember ..u can google it …i don’t have the link ..i also googled it
hmm… k
16.66 roger that ..!! .. unfortunately ,i had to leave it unfilled .. most of my friends opted for the nearest value to 16.66 i.e 19 ..
i guess answer was none 🙂
question was wrong, so every one will get marks for that question…..
just chill…..
this question was correct that’s why they putted 21th not 18 or 20 near to 19 , sania madam got silver medal in 19th CWG …thats why answer is none.
i think silver was there in the options
paper was tough:-(
what was the answer of boys to girls ratio question
the answer to tables and chair was none of these … ratio of chairs to tables was asked it was 5:1 so none of these is correct
the ratio of chair and table was asked…not ratio of chair to the i think 1:5 would be right one…
totally agree with u abhishek
bro, they asked for tables to chair, not too sure though.
it was asked chairs:tables
aao k, time to reduce 4 marks from my expected total then 🙁
no dy asked chairs and tables… dam sure…
1:5 was the answer to the table chair question. boys girls question’s answer was none of these.
right man, the ratio came out to be 8:11 .
for the table and chair ques 5:1 and not 1:5 because it asked chairs:table and not vice versa. so the answer would be none of these. and for boys and girls also it should be none of these.
umm, i went over the question thrice to make sure and i think it was tables:chair. Too bad if i got it wrong 🙁
I think relatively compared to previous year papers, this was the toughest of the lot. English was tricky and GK wasn’t easy too. Rest were fine. Any idea as to when result could be declared ??
Bahut tough tha…but GK was easy….
bhai, GK hi toh difficult tha!