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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended From 19 SSB Allahabad and 1 AFSB Dehradun

Recommended From 19 SSB Allahabad and 1 AFSB Dehradun

Hi, I am Ashish Sharma from District Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. I got recommended for RVC 2013 from 19 SSB Allahabad on 12th of May this year and from 1 AFSB Dehradun for Air Force Non-Technical Entry on 24th of May. It was my first attempt for both the entries. I am pleased to write down and share my experiences with all you folks who aspire to be a part of the prestigious Indian armed forces and if my experience acts as a source of inspiration and help, my motive is fulfilled.

Defence services have always allured me. There is no doubt that it’s the most fulfilling, adventurous and satisfying career option there is, for the youngsters.
I used to talk to people qualifying the SSB process, used to listen to stories from many in my circle who had their friends in the Armed Forces and think whether I would be able to make it one day.
There were certain hurdles in the beginning when I tried. I didn’t receive the call letter once, as I had committed some mistake in the application. Filled up the CDS form twice but couldn’t appear due to ill health and my college studies.
It was earlier this year that I appeared for the AFCAT examination and cleared it.
I knew that this was my chance.
I also joined Olive Greens Academy Chandigarh for Guidance and tips as I didn’t want to leave any stone

Recommended From 19 SSB Allahabad and 1 AFSB Dehradun

unturned.  I gained a lot from there which eventually helped in the SSBs. In the mean time I also received call from Allahabad board for RVC entry.  My reporting was on 7th of May.
Reached the railway station and I found many others over there who had come for the same. The bus took us to the selection Centre and after a few formalities we were given our initial chest no.s.
Spent the night in 19 SSB Candidate lines and went again with our bags packed, for the screening next morning.  There was excitement, there was hope, and there was nervousness. A hazy picture was shown to us and I made up a story about a guy making the villagers aware of certain issues. Discussion went fine and I got screened in along with 4 or 5 of my friends.  The next 4 days were full of challenges and tasks. Getting up at 5 in the morning was a task in itself. Psych test was long and I got tired of writing down stuff, but then, it wasn’t boring. Plus the psychologist was cute. 🙂
I attempted all the TATs n WATs. I could complete only 56 or 57 SRTs out of 60. But I was satisfied with my performance.
Oh yes!  I forgot. We filled up our PIQs too the day we got screened in.
The tip is, fill it up neatly and legibly and be truthful.
Group tasks were interesting. GD Topics were okay but I would not say that I had a lot of command over them. I was able to add some good point whenever I would get the chance in between. I spoke for just one or two times in both the discussions, rest I just listened.
In the GP I could not even give a single point to add to the group solution. No one would listen. I thought I am screwed, but then I didn’t worry about it a lot. In PGT, HGT and FGT I was able to give some good ideas and move the group forward. We completed them with ease and were stuck once or twice. My participation was active in Snake race and me and one other guy helped the group climb up the walls by making a stair sort with our hands. Individual obstacles I was able to complete just in time and I didn’t repeat any.
My command task was a bit interesting as the GTO took me to the end where the task was to pick up a bomb. He was constantly putting me under stress by giving me time check and denying me the structures and resources.  I did a funny thing there… My GTO said ‘commander!  Only 30 seconds left ‘. And my subordinate was standing in the Centre of the task with a bomb in his hand and I was to bring him out. I was denied the balli and two out of 3 structures. I was trying but couldn’t think of any idea to bring him out. ’10 seconds! ‘, he shouted…  In a flash of a second I asked my subordinate to switch places with me as our GTO had allowed that in the beginning for allowing the commander to give better ideas from any position he wants. ‘why did you switch places?  ‘the GTO shouted.  I said ‘ sir.. I don’t want my friend to die ‘.

GTO didn’t react much and our time almost ended. I thought I had screwed up big time. Well, eventually I found out I had not.
Interview was good n light hearted. I mentioned that am weak in mathematics and to my surprise the deputy president asked me 5 questions based on mathematics.  I was composed, confident and truthful in the interview. That is all I know.  Next were the conference day n results. There were not just butterflies, but every creature possible, running around in My stomach.
The same cute psychologist came to announce the results, this time in the proper uniform.  God! She looked impressive.
The moment she said Chest no. 23, I could not react for a moment. Then I called out my name and stood in the front. It was a wonderful moment.  Although I was a little sad for all the lovely people I had met and who could not make it. Am sure they’ll crack it the next time.  What followed was a happy time and 5 day long medical process. I am now waiting for my merit list.
But another battle was right in front of me as I had to report at Dehradun on 19th may.. It was 17th already at Allahabad. I somehow reached Dehradun. Travelling without reservation sucks!
I was so exhausted from the previous SSB that I was a little casual in my approach here at AFSB.  No formals at screening day. Just the same old dirty jeans and tee shirt which I had worn while coming from Allahabad. I got screened in. But the AFSB people made the stay so comfortable that I forgot all my exhaustion.  I tried my hand at the pool table too.  Food was good. Booking out timings are good. Facilities and overall ambience is great.

Plus the girls are pretty in Dehradun 🙂 The process was all same. Psych went fine. In GD I just spoke twice in a 20 min discussion but gave some relevant points. My group wasn’t listening to many ideas in the outdoor tasks and even I didn’t try to give many as they were not working anyway.  Command task was okay. Here too, the GTO took away the balli…
The interviewing officer grilled me when he got to know that I am already recommended.  I got stuck at many places and even fumbled once or twice in the interview.  I knew that this SSB has not been as good as the previous one and I had thin chances of making it as I could see a lot of others better than me, experienced and knowledgeable than me.  In the conference the board asked me again as to what I would join if I get recommended in Air Force as well. I bluntly replied that whichever merit list comes earlier as I cannot give up something which I already have in my hands for something which is still to come. I Had thought that it was a rude reply and the President would screw me 😀
But then, after a while when results were announced, only 3 people were recommended out of 80 and I was one of them. The only one for non technical entry. I could not believe it… I did it again!
They took us for documentation straightaway and I was free by the evening.  I called up my parents and friends. The best part was the Air Force goodies which we received. T-shirt, notebooks, stickers and diaries… 🙂
Medical will take place at Delhi in July and then I’ll be waiting for my merit list.
All I want to say to all the people out there is that just stay humble, truthful and cooperative.  Don’t show off what you are not. If you’re good they’ll get to know. Have faith and confidence and all of you can make it.
Godspeed n Good luck 🙂

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photo About Ashish Sharma: I am Ashish Sharma from District Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. I got recommended for RVC 2013 from 19 SSB Allahabad on 12th of May this year and from 1 AFSB Dehradun for Air Force Non Technical Entry on 24th of May.
The Editorial Team at SSBCrack consists of professional writers, journalists and defence aspirants.

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