“SSB is a battle fight it bravely as a rehearsal of the original one”~~ Jayendra Pratap Singh. If a person thinks he can achieve anything in this world. Everyone is born with OLQ’s, it’s just the matter of fact how they develop them within themselves and sustain it during lifetime. Having faith that I could achieve everything is the mantra that helps in sustenance of such qualities. Positive thinking is must and this could be simply achieved by feeling proud in whatever we have and there is no limit to whatever we could achieve but we should not feel low for what we don’t have but should feel proud of whatever we have achieved till now.
So we should do the following to succeed:
- Thought of what you achieve: There are a lot of things that could be achieved in this big life. Life gives numerous chances to do so, but there is no limit to it. So start feeling satisfied with whatever you have. Now this does not mean that you should stop dreaming big and relax. It means give credit for whatever you have because there are people who have not reached that level even. This credit giving will give you more courage, keeping you stresses free. You will concentrate more towards what needs to be achieved rather than playing blame games.
- Believe that you can do it: I would suggest write the statement “Yes!! I can do it” and paste it in front of you. The achievers are also human being like us. The difference lies in the efforts that we all put. Is it tough? No nothing is tough for you. Believe in yourself and analyse how to achieve your target. If need persists plan and make strategy for the path you will follow. Also taking help from people will enhance your preparation to a level that you will be left unbeaten.
- Imagine and achieve: Imagination is inherent and if not present in you, it can be developed. But the need is to be stress free so that your mind has the chance to think freely and innovate. It can lead you to heights. Be it developing something new or building on your qualities you need to be in a phase of constant improvement. Suppose you believe in following your schedule but if you start maintaining a dairy to mark all important work and their preference order your mind is free of this load to think more. Try these small things to get big results.
- Move slowly toward your goal: I know you have to achieve a lot, but planning properly and moving towards your goal is something that can give you sure shot results. Achieving more things should not be your goal, but whatever you think of should be achieved should be your desire. Moving slowly does not mean being lethargy and postponing things. Everything needs to be done in perfect timing because it is rightly said that slow and steady wins the race.
Remember every story has an end but in life every end has a new beginning. Strive hard and you will achieve your goal because you are made for that purpose only. Hope these tips work for you and get you in for your dream job. Still if you are bothered by the myths and want individualised mentoring, counselling related to SSB, preparation through one to one interaction, tips and tricks or has queries drop me a mail at [email protected] and it would be my pleasure to resolve it. The success path is very simple unless you have the right person to hold your hand and guide.
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SSB koching is Important for Service Selection Board
An awesome teacher, honest enough to tell you where you need to work upon. Very strict with his schedule and makes the preparation more challenging by pushing you to your limits. The whole environment is made ssb like ..The lecturrete topics given are very new and makes your brain churn. Jayendra makes you think about the topic in limited time and there lies the key to think spontaneously. The TAT and the PPDT are made very challenging as pictures are given from real life scenarios and not from any book hence raising the difficulty level. Minute details are discussed when it comes to discussion as where the candidate can improve. Personal Interview is on a whole different level. The questions are asked in such a manner that the interview gets tougher with every rapid fire round. He motivates you and pushes you beyond your limits and helps you to improve yourself. In all I would say getting a mentorship from him was the one of the best decisions of my life ..and I would suggest other defence aspirants to do the same.