UPDATE: The INET result has been published again by Indian Navy on 18 Oct 2019. Candidates can check INET officers result on the official website of the Indian Navy. Candidates can also download the INET admit card for the SSB Interview from the same portal.
Indian Navy has published the INET 2019 result for officer candidates on 18th Oct 2019. You can check your INET result on the official website of the Indian Navy.
INET Syllabus INET exam will be of two hours duration. It will contain 100 Multiple Choice Questions comprising Questions on English, Reasoning & Numerical Ability, General Science, Mathematical Aptitude & General Knowledge. Each section will be of 100 marks with negative marking of one mark for incorrect answer.
Indian Navy INET English Syllabus
When Mark’s scored by passed candidate of inet navy exam will be uploaded on the website.
Upon Logging in showing like written examination status: pass and (You are qualified for SSB and ADMIT Card will be uploaded soon)….so any update on this??? @SSBCrack
same it is happening , is it same for all or for some? In notification it was written 19 oct ssb they ll start conducting. when will they upload the admit card for ssb.
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INET RESULT : https://www.ssbcrack.com/2019/10/inet-officers-result-2019-published-by-indian-navy.html
SSB admit card also available for download for passed students
Result again declared for INET officers
It doesn’t show, the site is under maintenance.
INET result will be published again soon
roger that, thanks for the update
Haha the exam was so tough that no one in the country cleared it.🤣🤣
hehe I have cleared.
Examination status is not showing up for me and the website seems slow too
Does anyone cleard inet??
Yes, I have cleared.