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GuestGuest InterviewIn Conversation with Komal Pahuja, Recommended from 4 AFSB Varanasi

In Conversation with Komal Pahuja, Recommended from 4 AFSB Varanasi

We had a chance to interview Komal Pahuja who have been selected for Indian Air Force officer cadre, she got recommended from 4 AFSB Varanasi and here she is talking to us sharing her best moment of life. Appearing candidates can follow her interview and gain some knowledge about the AFSB interview process and how one should plan to achieve success in a defence interview.
Q. What motivated you to join Indian Air Force?
Komal: It was very spontaneous the moment I entered to give my written exam at Air Force Station Bareilly that was the first time I saw the uniform of  IAF “The Blues” J And I guess that uniform thing was the soul motivator. Infact, written exam too wasn’t intended, it was all unplanned. But after that no doubt it was all IAF day and night.

Q. Which attempt this was? What special preparations did you for SSB?
Komal: Yeah, this was my first attempt. I got the result of the written one when my B.Com exams were there. So, it was a bit difficult for me at that time to focus upon my Final Year exams though I was all into IAF. Thus in the meantime, I accessed internet and come to know what SSB is actually. Apart from that I joined various groups on fb of SSB and found other aspirants too who helped me up in knowing the process.
The name of two to mention for sure who helped me a lot through FB- Rounak Singh and Sanghmitra Raikwal

Q. Did you join any coaching? And do you think coaching helps in cracking SSB?
Komal: Well, yes I joined Olive Greens, Chandigarh. As I said I almost came to know everything through internet about SSB especially the website SSBCrack.com helped me a lot but still there is a huge difference between theoretical and practical approach especially an Aspirant likes me who just saw the uniform got motivated and apart from that knew nothing about IAF and didn’t know even the ABC of defense it wouldn’t have been possible without the guidance. I won’t term Olive Greens as Coaching I would rather term it as a Training Institute. I owe a big thanks to the teachers (Chahal sir, Ashokan sir, Vijay sir) who guided me. And well according to me no doubt the Training Programs help an aspirant especially if he/she is a fresher and if repeater then they can analyze it on their own because they know about the whole process then too they can seek guidance after all there is no harm in it.

Q. What was your special success mantra?
Komal: Well success mantra is all about what my teachers told me. I read news papers and watched news which helped me up in the GD in GTO and PI too. Apart from that I also started jogging which gave me a peace of mind and fresh energy. I used to listen to songs full of motivation ( Lakshya, Tu dhoop hai, hall of Fame etc etc). I analyzed all my weaknesses, strengths and rest other things beforehand and I also went through the basic terminologies of my stream as I’m a Commerce Graduate for my PI.

afsb medical board at SSB

Q. Tell us something about your personal interview?
Komal: PI huhh, so much stressed I was before PI that too just because I was Chest Number 1 :p and the bad thing was we were called randomly that was the time I wanted to go First so that I get rid of all the anxiety and stress. The moment I was called for PI I stood up I wished luck to myself I still am thinking that where all that stress and anxiety vanished 😀 Maybe my Confidence overpowered all that stress and I was very normal wished my IO a Good Morning and then the Interview lasted for 1hr 15mins all with a smile and confidence. There were moments when I and my IO we both were laughing. I didn’t even come to know how the time passed I even wanted to get more of PI 😉
Most amazing thing was my PI was conducted by the 4 AFSB Board President.

Q. How was your board conference?
Komal: Being, Chest Number 1 I had to enter First in the Conference Room. The moment I entered I saw around 25-30 Officers were sitting in a semi circled position. I wished Morning and sat firmly on my seat. Conference lasted for merely 15-16 secs in which three questions were asked
  • How was your stay?
  • What is the first thing that caught your eye?
  • Any suggestions you would like to give?
Q. Do you think that the group affects your chances for success? How was your group in the SSB?
Komal: According to me group matters the most in the Ground Task because in Psyche and PI you have to do things on your own. But in GT it is all about your bonding with the group whether others allow you to work or not. And my Group was the Best Group we were 8 girls all freshers, all from different places and most importantly we had a very good bonding with each other. Then too in GT apart from being friendly you have to be diplomatic too so that you may not lose the opportunity but make sure that you help all other members too GT is all about the “GROUP EFFORTS”. So never have a selfish approach.

Q. What was your favorite task in the SSB?
Komal: Umm, I loved all the three I actually enjoyed each and every task. I wasn’t performing it as it is a kind of exam rather I was loving and enjoying everything and I guess that was the thing which helped me up somewhere in the whole process. Still if I’ve to choose one then I’ll go with the GT as there we get a mixture of everything.

Q. In which test in SSB do you think you performed the best?
Komal: Undoubtedly, I performed best at GT. I initiated the GDs, in GPE I was able to write a complete story with good means, PGT 65-70% were my ideas from the group, HGT- I gave opportunity to others, Lecturette- I spoke with confidence and smile with some gestures, Command Task- we were 8 and I was called 5 times as sub-ordinate and apart from that I finished my Command Task in spite of the difficulties given up by my GTO, FGT- we were all Co-ordinating and finished it.

Q. How did you prepare for the Psychological Testing?
Komal: I prepared for the Blank story that was also a real story from my life. I prepared WATs and SDs beforehand and except this I visited SSBCrack.com and got various pictures and used to prepare it for TATs .

Q. Tips for Other candidates?
Komal: I’ll just say one word “CONFIDENCE”. If you have this in you, you can do anything and no one will stop you. Have faith in your abilities and go with excitement, happiness and with a positive energy and you will surely get all the things back after the Six days. I didn’t think SSB as my exam I enjoyed all the six days to the fullest and now I came to know why people call the SSB to be Best Days of their Life. In my case it was all my liveliness and confidence. If you aren’t good at GK don’t worry just have an overview of current happenings that is it. I too am not at all good at it.
All that matter is your personality and how you present and define yourself.
And the most important thing is never go into SSB by thinking about the Result from the First day because then Anxiety won’t allow you to do anything. Just give your Best and leave Rest upon God.
For any other query regarding my SSB ask me on Fb “Komal Pahuja”
Good Luck to all Future Warriors.
“It is all your time. Because, another Beautiful Dawn is on its way..!!”

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  1. Hey can u provide some tips for GD of PPDT.. And also what all challenges were given to the commander in command task.. It will b very helpful.. thank u

  2. Its highly motivational to read such views of recommended candidates. Congratulatios to you. I will do more work on my weaknesses now.

  3. A huge congratulations to you Komal ….thank you for sharing your AFSB experience. Goodluck!. Thanks to ssbcrack as well for interviewing successful candidates. Looking forward for reading more interviews and getting motivated….

  4. Thank you Komal as well as ssbcrack…a true partner 🙂 I don’t think anybody need a coaching from any inst. if he/she have it in him/her & ssbcrack’s guidance.

      • Yes you’re right..Its helps aloadzz specially in GTO task where I failed miserably when I attempted Indian Army SSC T-42 in Jan & Indian Navy SSC(ELE) Dec-2014 in May,both this year..but I would like you to take a look this “http://www.olivegreens.co.in/blog/pros-cons-of-taking-coaching-for-ssb” It was in FB group CDS/AFCAT… You know this group.
        In which branch of IAF you applied?? As a Flying Officer or Technical Officer?

      • In these two SSBs I observed :
        1. A fish market on the first day of screening test during discussion..it’s like give them guns & game’s over ending killing each other 😛
        2. Everything goes well when it’s Individual performance but when it comes to group..the whole scenario turns a 180 degree..I could feel our GTO Officer wept like hell
        a. During GD, Again that Selfish type Attitude started..not all but only 3 candidates out of 10 & they ruined the whole thing..rest of the 7 was co-operating.
        b. The same type appeared in GT..only 3-4 members were performing to complete the task not giving a chance to others..they forgot that it’s a group task..they were busy in their own tune & our team paid the price..Not a single candidate selected from our group.
        c. I tried to make them understand to co-operate in GT but no one cared. I learned later that those 3 came making up their mind that “mujhe recomend hona h chahe kuchh bhi ho jae” . This sentiment never works..the bonding should be good enough like brothers. I got that luck plays a big role in SSB as group members plays a vital role & performance is one’s own talent.
        I agreed with all you mentioned here,I also felt that.
        Anything beyond this if I missed or didn’t observed then please help.

        • And its all about how you perform.
          Group doesn’t hinder your performance at all.
          Be frank with all and be good.
          apart from that in GD and GPE you have to get your chance
          No one will come and ask you to speak
          Be humble and gentle and do and get your chance in that 🙂
          And yeah Luck matters but it too depends on how you perform 😉

          • Ok..but what will be ur strategy if someone tries not to let others speak..can you advice how to calm a parliament when opposition shouting like mad without hearing others just to establish his own words..I was gentle & humble but how long u can hold if ur voice got suppressed bcz of someone firing his words louder than a machine gun..the whole group got disturbed for 3 candidates..In navy from the beginning all discussions went well..in screening,11 out of 20 from the group got selected in comparison of 3-4 from other groups..after that..all group test went well & in a gentle manner..all were nice co operative nature..2 candidates got recommended from my group..but in army ssb..the whole scenario was opposite..i still remember those 3’s chest no.


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